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City seeks operator for Meadowview Certified Farmers Market
The City of Sacramento is inviting proposals for the management of the Meadowview Certified Farmers Market, with operations set to begin in spring 2025. The deadline for submitting applications is...
Wind Youth Services
Listed under: Homelessness Crisis & Personal Support
From CalMatters...
How the LA Fires Could Exacerbate California’s Homelessness Crisis
Jennielynn Holmes stood in the middle of a make-shift evacuation center when the scope of the crisis hit her.
Federal Health Care Dollars Are Helping to House Homeless Californians. Trump Could Stop That
Gov. Newsom launched an ambitious program that uses Medi-Cal to help Californians access housing, healthy food and more. Now, its fate is in the hands of President-Elect Trump.
From The Sacramento Bee...
Sacramento County CARE Court Program Begins
A week after Sacramento County initiate its CARE Court, petitions have been filed for the first three people to be considered under the new program. Read on to learn more about the CARE Court system.
Busing People Out of Homelessness: How California’s Relocation Programs Really Work
Many California cities offer their homeless residents one-way bus tickets to other places.
From CapPublicRadio...
Update on Homeless Veterans in Sacramento County
Despite a decrease of 15% compared to the last count in 2022, the number of homeless veterans in Sacramento County remains high.
Sacramento County Updates Homeless Camp Clearing Policies
In their November 5 meeting, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors approved an amendment to and ordinance, allowing sheriff's deputies and park rangers to clear homeless camps without first offering a shelter bed.
It’s Hard to Vote in California When You’re Homeless. Why It Matters When Their Voices Are Silenced
Homeless Californians face many barriers to casting a ballot, even in elections that affect their lives. Some counties and nonprofits are trying to boost turnout.
Sacramento County Homeless Policy Hardens
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors is considering policy changes to allow sheriff deputies and park rangers to clear homeless encampments without first securing shelter beds.
How Much Would It Cost to End Homelessness in California? Try More Than $100 Billion
Multiple state agencies spent nearly $24 billion on housing and homeless programs in the first five years of Gavin Newsom’s governorship, but the number of people without homes continued to grow, rising by 20% to more than 180,000 in the most recent federal count in 2023.
Sacramento to Awarded State Homeless Funds
On October 4, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg and California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the awarding of $18.2 million in funds to help the city address homelessness.
How Candidates Running for Sacramento Mayoral Would Address Homelessness
A look at how the two candidates for Sacramento mayor would address homelessness.
Late Payments to Nonprofits Hamper California’s Fight Against Homelessness
Homeless service providers are scaling back and taking out loans as they wait for late payments from the government.
From Citrus Heights Sentinel...
Citrus Heights Considers Camping Ordinance Revisions
In their September 25 meeting, the Citrus Heights City Council heard public comment against bans on sleeping in cars before voting to proceed with revisions to ban camping in public spaces and cars.
From The Sacramento Observer...
A Look at Interim Housing For The Unhoused
Solving Sacramento looks at the use of interim housing as a scalable means addressing the needs of the unhoused.
Disorganization, City-County Feuds Impede California’s Efforts to Reduce Homelessness
Over the last five years, the state government has spent some $24 billion to ameliorate homelessness, which, according to polls, is California’s most troublesome issue.
Homeless Students Can Sleep Safely in Their Cars at This California College. Other Campuses Say No
Failed legislative bills have attempted to create safe parking programs for students to sleep in their cars on California campuses while awaiting housing. Meanwhile, Long Beach City College allows homeless students to park overnight.
Report on Annual Solidarity Summit on Homelessness
A Solving Sacramento report on the September 7 Solidarity Summit on Homelessness.
From Elk Grove News Net...
Update on Elk Grove Homeless Shelter Plans
The City of Elk Grove held a public meeting on September 12 about plans to open a year-round homeless shelter.
CA Cities Jump on Homeless Encampment Bans
For five years, California officials responding to the homelessness crisis had to work around one big restriction imposed by the federal courts: Because they didn’t have enough shelter beds, cities generally couldn’t make homeless camps illegal.
A Look at Elk Grove's Year-Round Homeless Shelter
Elk Grove News takes a look at the facilities provided by the year-round homeless shelter opening in November.
City of Elk Grove Video About New Homeless Shelter
The City of Elk Grove released a video explaining the year-round homeless shelter opening in November,
No Sleeping Bags, Keep Moving: California Cities Increase Crackdown on Homeless Encampments
More than two-dozen California cities passed, strengthened or are considering ordinances that penalize people for sleeping outside, after the U.S. Supreme Court allowed cities to crack down.
CA Homeless Count Is Up 8% From 2022
An exclusive CalMatters analysis of the latest California homeless count reveals some good news and bad news: Though the growth rate of homelessness appears to be slowing, the overall number of unhoused Californians increased from two years ago.
California Has Spent Billions on Homelessness but Lacks Hard Data on Outcomes
California has allocated more than $20 billion to alleviate the state’s homelessness crisis since Gavin Newsom became governor in 2019, but there’s precious little data on how the money was spent and what effect it’s had, other than the number of unhoused people has continued to climb.
Elk Grove Bans Public Camping
In their August 28 meeting, the Elk Grove City Council voted unanimously to prohibit camping on public property.
Former Camp Resolution Residents Face Eviction Aftermath
The Sacramento Bee follows up with some of the former residents of Camp Resolution following their August 26 eviction, and in some cases, loss of possessions.
Elk Grove Updates Camping Ordinance
In their August 28 meeting, the Elk Grove City Council voted to update the camping ordinance to reduce the notice required before seizure of property.
Camp Resolution Cleared
On August 26, about 50 residents of were evicted and removed from the Camp Resolution site at 2225 Calfax Street in Sacramento.
Profile of Camp Resolution
The Sacramento Bee explains the history and current status of the self-managed homeless Camp Resolution.
One Person's Experience in a Sacramento Homeless Shelter
A resident of the Roseville Road homeless shelter in Sacramento talks about their experience there.
Sacramento Community Land Trust Acquires Community Garden
A look at the community garden in west Del Paso Heights purchased by the Sacramento Community Land Trust in June 2024.
Sacramento County Gets Funding for Homeless Housing
A $17 million state Homekey program grant has been awarded to the Sacramento County Housing Authority to purchase a motel property on Madison Avenue for renovation into 118 units of homeless transitioning housing.
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