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Where is Sacramento’s Black Wall Street? Which park was named after LeVar Burton? Find out on SacObserver.com.
The Sacramento Observer broadcasts the Black community’s cultural heritage with its guide to landmarks. Pikselar Shutterstock.com
Maya Lee is a Sacramento Girl Scout attempting to get the Scouts’ highest honor, the Gold Award, and the folks at Sacramento Observer have embraced her project: a registry of dozens of local sites that are important to local African American history, from churches to schools to civil rights organizations.
The roster includes the S Street office of Nathaniel Sextus Colley, a graduate of Yale and Tuskegee, who earned the nickname “Mr. Civil Rights in California” as chair of the legal arm of the NAACP. And it pinpoints Florin Square as “Sacramento’s Black Wall Street”—Northern California’s largest meeting place of Black-owned business.
Also on Lee’s list is a playground named after Stephon A. Clark, who was unarmed when Sacramento police shot him in his grandmother’s backyard. Another park was just recently renamed after a local man who needs no introduction: Sacramento-raised actor LeVar Burton, of Roots and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Read more on SacObserver.com: “Sacramento’s African American Historic Landmarks.”
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