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The Housing Element Part 1: What is It?
The post discusses San Benito County's housing policy and its impact, highlighting the Housing Element's role as a state-mandated blueprint for local housing needs. Currently, all local jurisdicti...
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Division A covers portions of southern Santa Cruz County, including La Selva Beach and Corralitos.
From The Pajaronian...
The Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency celebrated its 40th anniversary Tuesday during a lively open house gathering.
From Santa Cruz Sentinel...
The county has withdrawn from an agreement with the Pajaro Valley Regional Flood Management Agency (PRFMA) after the two disagreed on how to spend $1 million in funds meant to address flood risk.
The College Lake Pipeline Project will construct a six-mile, 30-inch water main to bring treated water to more than 5,000 acres of farmland.
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