San Joaquin County Local News: Animals

All Local Animals News articles contributed by our local media allies and other local newsrooms.

Image caption: RCDs look after the land, whether it’s used for grazing, growing, or getting out into nature.
California Dirt

What do resource conservation districts protect? Pretty much everything that’s worth saving.

California Local Pin Marker From LodiNews...

Learn more about the 26th annual Sandhill Crane Festival being held in Lodi on November 2 and 3.

California Local Pin Marker From Los Angeles Times...

H5N1 bird flu has been reported in three California dairy herds.

California Local Pin Marker From LodiNews...

Funding for a new animal shelter is set to be approved by the Lodi City Council to be built on East Auto Center Drive.

California Local Pin Marker From Stocktonia...

The San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office reported a May 20 call about a mountain lion sighting in Lodi.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

The Elk Grove City Council voted to approve the move of the Sacramento Zoo to a 100 acre lot at Kammerer Road and Lotz Parkway.

California Local Pin Marker From Los Angeles Times...

Several bills making their way through the California Legislature seek to address overcrowded animal shelters and streamline how animals receive care.

California Local Pin Marker From Los Angeles Times...

California has released 500,000 salmon into the Klamath River. As dams are removed, the fish will be some of the first to return to a free-flowing river.

California Local Pin Marker From SF Gate...

Obstacles are mounting for officials who are attempting to rescue a young gray whale that was discovered entangled in a gillnet off Laguna Beach was recently sighted off the coast of Thornton State Beach in Daly City .

California Local Pin Marker From Los Angeles Times...

Captains of fishing boats on the California coast are bracing for salmon fishing to be severely restricted — or possibly canceled for a second year.

California Local Pin Marker From SF Gate...

The goal is to eliminate habitat competition between "invasive" owls and native owls.

California Local Pin Marker From California Local...

Image for display with article titled Yes, Beavers Can Help Stop Wildfires. And More Places in California Are Embracing Them

Beavers create unburned islands where plants and animals can shelter from megafires, research has confirmed. A movement is afoot to reintroduce the rodents to the state's waterways.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

If hikers, bikers, campers, hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts haven't encountered a mountain lion while in the California wilderness, they might know somebody who has.

California Local Pin Marker From Monterey Herald...

There was a time not so long ago when trained observers were overwhelmed by the number of whales migrating through Monterey Bay.

California Local Pin Marker From Los Angeles Times...

The Wildlife Conservation Board voted to award $10.3 million to the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County to preserve the 27,000-acre Camatta Ranch in Santa Margarita.

California Local Pin Marker From Los Angeles Times...

While temperatures aren’t warm enough for mosquitoes to run rampant, now’s the time to prevent breeding grounds.

California Local Pin Marker From YubaNet...

Ten conservation groups filed an intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for its failure to list western wolves under the Endangered Species Act.

California Local Pin Marker From California Healthline...

Each fall, millions of hunters across North America bag deer. Over the winter, people chow down on the venison steaks, sausage, and burgers made from the animals.

California Local Pin Marker From SF Gate...

An extinct species of walrus was unearthed in Santa Cruz County, evoking a time when California was teeming with odd creatures that feel closer to fantasy than reality, researchers said.

California Local Pin Marker From SF Gate...

Monarch butterflies have a long way to go before reaching stable population numbers.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Chinook and other salmon runs are collapsing. Conservation groups call it too little, too late. Plan includes dam removals and restoring river flows.
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