San Joaquin County Statewide Articles

San Francisco School District Postpones Highly Anticipated School Closures List

The district was set to announce a list of schools on Sept. 18.

Your Guide to Proposition 6, California’s Measure to Ban Involuntary Servitude in Prisons

Proposition 6 is among the 10 statewide ballot measures that Bay Area voters will get to weigh in on this fall. Here’s what you need to know about it.
What would it do?
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California Shifts From Record Heat and Fire to Rapid Cooldown — With Snow!

After a prolonged stretch of record breaking heat that scorched Southern California and sparked wildfires much of the state will experience below average temperatures, rain and even early season snow this week.

An Industrial Chemical Is Showing Up in Fentanyl in the U.S., Troubling Scientists

An industrial chemical used in plastic products has been cropping up in illegal drugs from California to Maine.

Labor Advocates Sue Metro Over $730-Million Contract to Build Subway Cars. Will It Hurt Olympic Planning?

Metro is sued over a $730-million subway car order after labor advocates said the agency failed to implement its jobs program.

Kaiser Sells Massive Oakland Tower to Luxury Developer for $14M

Kaiser Permanente sold its office space located at 1950 Franklin Street in Oakland.

L.A. Rattled by Two More Earthquakes North of Malibu

Both earthquakes were reported within in a general area north of Malibu.

How California Can Unlock Multigenerational Economic Mobility and Success

If the state and colleges knew more about the needs of students with children, they could develop more ways to help them thrive, for the good of everyone, not just the students.

George Gascón and Nathan Hochman Set to Debate in Final Stretch of L.A. County D.A. Race

The candidates for Los Angeles County district attorney will square off weeks before November's election in an event co-hosted by KNX and The Times.

Body of Missing 61-Year-Old Hiker Found in Yosemite

The body of 61-year-old Kirk Thomas-Olsen was discovered in Yosemite National Park more than 20 days after he was expected to return from his solo hike.

UC Tells Campuses to Control Student Protests

Pro-Palestinian student protesters gather at both sides of the entrance of a solidarity encampment at the UCLA campus in Los Angeles on May 1, 2024. Photo by Ted Soqui for CalMatters

Las Tarjetas EBT en California Serán Más Seguras Con ‘Chips’ De Seguridad  Y Aquí Te Contamos Cuándo Llegarán

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Miles De Personas en Las Cárceles De California Tienen Derecho a Votar, Pero Esta Es La Razón Por La Que Muchos No Lo Harán

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La Crisis De Atención De Maternidad en California Empeora Mientras Newsom Decide Sobre Proyectos De Ley Para Frenar Los Cierres De Hospitales

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California’s Maternity Care Crisis Is Worsening as Newsom Decides on Bills to Slow Closures

Dozens of California hospitals shut their maternity wards over the past decade, and the trend continued in 2024 after lawmakers advanced plans to slow the closures.

Thousands in California’s Jails Have the Right to Vote — But Here’s Why Many Won’t

While incarcerated Californians who aren’t serving felony sentences are eligible to vote, most county jails don’t make it very easy. A bill on Gov. Newsom’s desk would test in-person voting in jails in three counties.

Will the Same Protest Policies Yield a Different Response From Campus Leaders at the University of California?

The unfolding rules are a response to last spring’s series of campus protests that led to hundreds of arrests. State lawmakers withheld $25 million from the UC until the system updated its policies.

California’s Constitution Doesn’t Recognize Marriage Equality. Prop. 3 Would Fix That

California has long been lauded — and criticized — for its progressivism, but when it comes to marriage equality, the state has a rather complicated history. If passed this November, Proposition 3 would decisively end the decades-long battle for recognizing …

CalMatters Kicks Off VotingMatters 2024 in Eureka

CalMatters launched its voter event series to provide in-person information to voters statewide.

More Secure EBT Cards Are Coming to California. Here’s When They’ll Go Out

The state is working on electronic benefit cards with security chips, but is behind schedule. Families are expected to be able to use them in January.

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