San Joaquin County Statewide Articles

Miles De Personas en Las Cárceles De California Tienen Derecho a Votar, Pero Esta Es La Razón Por La Que Muchos No Lo Harán

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La Crisis De Atención De Maternidad en California Empeora Mientras Newsom Decide Sobre Proyectos De Ley Para Frenar Los Cierres De Hospitales

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California’s Maternity Care Crisis Is Worsening as Newsom Decides on Bills to Slow Closures

Dozens of California hospitals shut their maternity wards over the past decade, and the trend continued in 2024 after lawmakers advanced plans to slow the closures.

Thousands in California’s Jails Have the Right to Vote — But Here’s Why Many Won’t

While incarcerated Californians who aren’t serving felony sentences are eligible to vote, most county jails don’t make it very easy. A bill on Gov. Newsom’s desk would test in-person voting in jails in three counties.

Will the Same Protest Policies Yield a Different Response From Campus Leaders at the University of California?

The unfolding rules are a response to last spring’s series of campus protests that led to hundreds of arrests. State lawmakers withheld $25 million from the UC until the system updated its policies.

California’s Constitution Doesn’t Recognize Marriage Equality. Prop. 3 Would Fix That

California has long been lauded — and criticized — for its progressivism, but when it comes to marriage equality, the state has a rather complicated history. If passed this November, Proposition 3 would decisively end the decades-long battle for recognizing …

CalMatters Kicks Off VotingMatters 2024 in Eureka

CalMatters launched its voter event series to provide in-person information to voters statewide.

More Secure EBT Cards Are Coming to California. Here’s When They’ll Go Out

The state is working on electronic benefit cards with security chips, but is behind schedule. Families are expected to be able to use them in January.

Power Shutoffs Creep Wider on Palos Verdes Peninsula. Dozens of Rolling Hills Homes to Go Dark

In Rolling Hills, 35 homes are set to lose gas Monday, then 51 homes are expected to lose electricity by Wednesday.

A Flier Promoting a Homelessness Ballot Measure Leaves Out a Key Fact: It's a Tax Increase

A ballot measure that would mandate "a new approach to expand programs that are proven to prevent homelessness and increase housing affordability" is a sales tax increase. But you wouldn't know it from a flier arriving in mailboxes around the …

Harris Touts Her Time Working at McDonald's. Will It Help?

Many presidents have humble jobs early on, but few of them have bragged about it. So why is Kamala Harris talking about her time at McDonald's?

Column: Making History and Expressing Outrage May Drive Californians to Record Turnout

Here's one election prediction from a nonpartisan expert: Californians will be so enthused about Kamala Harris they could vote in record numbers. A huge Democratic turnout, of course, would help the party's down-ticket candidates.

Opinion: Can Legitimate Campus Protest Be Distinguished From Antisemitism? This Guide Aims to Help

Turmoil over Israel's war in Gaza has UCLA, USC and other campuses on edge. A group of experts is advising colleges on separating acceptable protest from bigotry.

Kevin De León and Ysabel Jurado Trade Insults in Fight for Eastside City Council Seat

Jurado said De León failed to effectively represent the district. De León said Jurado is extreme, aligning herself with activists who want to defund the LAPD.

California May Regulate and Restrict Pharmaceutical Brokers

SACRAMENTO — California Gov. Gavin Newsom will soon decide whether the most populous U.S. state will join 25 others in regulating the middlemen known as pharmacy benefit managers, or PBMs, whom many policymakers blame for the soaring cost of prescription …

Decades of National Suicide Prevention Policies Haven’t Slowed the Deaths

If you or someone you know may be experiencing a mental health crisis, contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by dialing or texting "988."

Decades of National Suicide Prevention Policies Haven’t Slowed the Deaths

If you or someone you know may be experiencing a mental health crisis, contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by dialing or texting "988."

Tossed Medicine, Delayed Housing: How Homeless Sweeps Are Thwarting Medicaid’s Goals

SAN FRANCISCO — Andrew Douglass shoved his clothes and belongings into plastic trash bags as five police officers surrounded his encampment — a drab gray tent overflowing along a bustling sidewalk in the gritty Tenderloin neighborhood, where homeless people lie …

Décadas De Programas Nacionales Contra El Suicidio No Han Frenado Estas Muertes

Si tú o alguien que conoces pudiera estar pasando por una crisis de salud mental, comunícate con la línea directa de suicidio y crisis 988, marcando o enviando un mensaje de texto al "988".

Next Stop on Transfer Students’ Journey: UC Berkeley’s New, High-End Dorm

Anchor House, UC Berkeley's new dorm for transfer students, is part of a larger effort to create a community for students transferring to the campus.

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