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Opera San José


2149 Paragon Way, San Jose, CA 95131

(408) 437-4450


Opera San José is a regional opera company that showcases top young professional singers from around the nation. The company's cultural offerings enrich the opera experience and encourage future generations of artists and audiences to stay engaged.

Opera San José provides three main types of programming:

  • Mainstage subscription series of four operas upholds the standards of a professional opera company.
  • Educational programs for youth and adults foster appreciation for the art form, including resources for schools in Santa Clara County.
  • Community-wide performances range from major outdoor festival bookings to intimate gatherings in private homes.

Connecting With Community Groups in Santa Clara County

Santa Clara County community groups and nonprofits play a fundamental role in making this a safe and thriving place.

Consider getting involved by volunteering your time, donating money, or both. Above you can learn about what services Opera San José provides to the community and easily volunteer, donate, register for services, or connect with them on social media. Visit the Santa Clara County Community Groups directory to see a comprehensive list of organizations on all subjects that are relevant to creating a vibrant local community.

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