Santa Clara County Local News

Curated Local News articles published by local newsrooms.

Affordable Housing Development Under Consideration in San Jose


A 2.2-acre lot on West San Carlos Street near downtown San Jose is under consideration for development of over 200 units of affordable housing.

California’s Economy Lags Behind Other States, Here’s Why It’s So Sluggish


California’s unemployment rate, 5.2% of its labor force in July, is no longer the nation’s highest after months of having that dubious distinction.

CalFire Deploys New Air Tanker


CalFire received the first of five planes promised by the federal government, a former Coast Guard C-130 Hercules air tanker.

Gavin Newsom Calls Special Session on Gas Prices


Unable to jam through bills he says will lower California gas prices, Gov. Newsom calls the Legislature back into session.

Santa Clara Schools See Increase in Homeless Students


A look at some of the over 1,000 homeless students are enrolled in Santa Clara County public schools.

California’s Inequality Hotspots


A large apartment complex in San Rafael’s majority-Latino Canal neighborhood. Latino families in Marin County are far more likely than white families to have trouble making ends meet, a new report finds.

More Affordable Housing Funds Could Come With New Labor Requirements


The Legislature is willing to guarantee $500 million annually to affordable housing developers, but with a caveat.

Palo Alto Grapples With Retail


The City of Palo Alto is considering how best to manage the abundance of shopping areas mixed with the abundance of empty store fronts, especially on California and University Avenues.

California Emergency Alerts Warn You About Fires and Extreme Weather. How to Sign Up in Your County


Early warning systems save lives during disasters, but a recent FEMA survey found that only a third of people are signed up. Use this resource to find your county’s emergency alert sign-up page.

Saratoga Offering Free and Discounted Trees for Residences


The City of Saratoga has partnered with nonprofit Our City Forest to offer free or subsidized trees as part of a program to encourage residential tree planting.

All-Affordable Housing Proposed for Downtown San Jose


A proposal for a 205-unit all-affordable housing development on an empty lot on West Julian Street in downtown San Jose has been filed.

Candidate Profile: Palo Alto Unified School District Board of Education


A look at the five local candidates running for seats on the Palo Alto Unified School District Board of Education.

Proposed El Camino Real Tobacco Shop Permit Denied


A permit was denied for a tobacco shop on El Camino Real in Mountain View, citing the proximity to parks and schools where children congregate.

Morgan Hill Wastewater Rates Going Up


In their August 28 meeting. the Morgan Hill City Council voted to increase wastewater rates incrementally every year through 2028.

1 in 6 CHP Jobs Are Vacant — Despite Historic Raises and Newsom’s Hiring Campaign


California Highway Patrol officers received historically high raises in 2022 and 2023, but it continues to face a high vacancy rate of 16%.

From Inmate Release to Immigrant Housing Aid, California Bills Spur End-of-Session Fireworks


Some Democrats are pushing bills that could put their colleagues on the hot seat in an election year. The authors say they’re representing their constituents and there’s never a perfect time for votes.

Councilmember Opposes County Purchase of San Jose Tiny Home Site


San Jose City Councilmember Arjun Batra joined in opposition of a planned Santa Clara County purchase of the South San Jose interim housing sites for use in a jail diversion program.

Candidate Profile: Linda Swan


A look at incumbent Los Altos Hills Councilmember Linda Swan who is running for reelection on the November ballot.

Candidate Profile: IdaRose Sylvester


A profile of IdaRose Sylvester, running for a seat on the Mountain View City Council in November.

Proposed Lick Avenue Housing Project Switches to All-Affordable


A proposed market-rate housing project for Lick Avenue in San Jose has been updated to instead build 215 affordable homes as the first phase of a 565-unit project.