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In Memory Of
Helen Stuart August 19, 1926 - February 19, 2024
Lake Tahoe Dance Collective
Listed under: Art, Culture & Media
News site Moonshine Ink profiles locals displaced by the price of rent, the fires, or other factors.
As always, Moonshine Ink shows its skill at amplifying local voices. Harris & Ewing (Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division) Public Domain
The Tahoe area’s piquant periodical Moonshine Ink published an “in memoriam” roster of some of the locals from the Tahoe/Truckee area displaced by the price of rent, the fires, or other factors. Writer Becca Loux came up with mock obituaries for invididuals who have been in the area for at least five years, and who have moved out of the Truckee/Tahoe region—mostly to Reno, but some to parking lots near you.
An accompanying article and the 31 “obits,” including photos of people enjoying happier times, make for embittering reading. Occupational therapists, ski-instructors, jills-of-all-trades, contractors, plumbers—all sorts of workers have been displaced, or had their long-time rentals sold out from under them. “Alec,” a former snow-removal worker, sums it up: “I live houseless on my bus on public lands. This country has turned into a s**t show for the working classes.”
Read more:
“In Memoriam—An ode to Tahoe/Truckee people displaced by the housing crisis.”
“Voices of the Displaced”
Articles which extol the virtues of a report or article put out by a local newsroom.
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