Yolo County Local News: Housing

All Local Housing News articles contributed by our local media allies and other local newsrooms.

Image caption: Does California’s signature environmental law protect the state’s scenic beauty, or cause more problems than it solves?
CEQA: The Surprising Story of CA’s Key Environmental Law

The California Environmental Quality Act, CEQA, is both the state’s signature environmental legislation, and is also often named as the villain in the state’s housing shortage. But the story may not be that simple.

Image caption: Zoning laws tell you what you can and can't build on the property you own. How does government get away with that?
How Zoning Laws Shape California and Society

Zoning laws determine what can be built and where. These laws have shaped California, but are they really just tools for social engineering? The history of zoning is closely tied to racial segregation, as well as the state's shortage of …

Image caption: Owning homes is the primary way the middle class builds wealth, and an option no longer available to most Californians.
Is California’s Housing Crisis Making Inequality Worse?

California has some of the worst economic inequality in the United States. Is the housing crisis a cause?

Image caption: Thousands of homeowners have been kicked off their fire insurance policies.
California Fire Insurance Crisis: How the State Helps Homeowners

As California insurance companies have revoked the fire policies of thousands of homeowners, the state has taken steps to get them covered again.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

An exclusive CalMatters analysis of the latest California homeless count reveals some good news and bad news: Though the growth rate of homelessness appears to be slowing, the overall number of unhoused Californians increased from two years ago.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Amid a Southern California heat wave, about 300 advocates for rent control — with two 10-foot “greedy landlord” puppets — rallied Thursday in downtown Los Angeles, chanting: “The rent is too damn high!”

California Local Pin Marker From Daily Democrat...

In an effort to be in line for more low-income state housing funds, the City of Woodland is considering the policies and initiatives necessary to be designated as "pro-housing."

California Local Pin Marker From Davis Enterprise...

The draft environmental impact report for the Palomino Place project in the City of Davis is available for public comment through September 23.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

The Legislature is willing to guarantee $500 million annually to affordable housing developers, but with a caveat.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

A large apartment complex in San Rafael’s majority-Latino Canal neighborhood. Latino families in Marin County are far more likely than white families to have trouble making ends meet, a new report finds.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Backers pulled a $20 billion affordable housing bond off Bay Area ballots today, amid fears that it wouldn’t pass.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

The City of Sacramento is preparing to introduce an ordinance meant to stimulate construction of more multiple dwelling unit housing.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

The state’s landlords see rising insurance costs, so they say they’re going to have to raise rents. But they complain about laws that limit how much they can do so.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Some California agencies are offering incentives and hosting workshops for school districts that want to build affordable housing for teachers.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Sky-high rent is among Californians’ biggest concerns. Nearly 30% of tenants spend more than half their income on rent; and the median rent is $2,850 a month, 33% higher than the national average. Two propositions on the Nov. 5 ballot address this issue — though one does so in a rather roundabout way.

California Local Pin Marker From CapPublicRadio...

Residents of Camp Resolution in Sacramento announced their intention of remaining on the city-owned lot despite the lease expiring, and are seeking an injunction preventing eviction.

West Sacramento News Ledger logo From West Sacramento News Ledger...

Image for display with article titled Council Approves Affordable Housing Project

Affordable housing here appears lush with the addition of Evergreen Apartments.

West Sacramento News Ledger logo From West Sacramento News Ledger...

Image for display with article titled UC Regents Approve New Student Housing at UC Davis

UC Davis will break ground on a new residence hall next spring in the Segundo area, following approval this week by the UC Board of Regents.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

Many landlords in California can only raise the rent a certain amount. On August 1, they — and their tenants — found out how high.

California Local Pin Marker From Davis Enterprise...

In their July 30 meeting, the Davis City Council approved the adoption of objective design standards for housing development projects as mandated by state law.

California Local Pin Marker From Davis Vanguard...

After discovering a lack of enabling legislation to support review of qualified development proposals by so-called objective design standards, the City of Davis staff and city council have begun the process of drafting and approving an ordinance to satisfy state law.

California Local Pin Marker From Davis Vanguard...

In an effort to reduce costs and time in the planning pipeline, the City of Davis has begun offering pre-designed plans for accessory dwelling units in a variety of sizes and configurations.

California Local Pin Marker From CalMatters...

When California emerged from its colonial beginnings nearly two centuries ago and began coalescing into a distinct society, its towns and villages tended to be located either on navigable rivers, such as Sacramento, or around the 21 missions that Spanish explorer priests had established, such as San Diego.

California Local Pin Marker From Local News Matters...

California Forever’s announcement July 22 that it has decided to pull a ballot measure that would have let voters decide on a controversial planned city in rural Solano County drew swift reaction from political leaders and opponents.
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