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the cyclery on the corner
Another downtown sketch of another downtown corner. Mid-August, the quieter days before the students all come back. I sketched on the corner of 3rd and F, looking at the bike shop called the ̵...
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The California Environmental Quality Act, CEQA, is both the state’s signature environmental legislation, and is also often named as the villain in the state’s housing shortage. But the story may not be that simple.
Zoning laws determine what can be built and where. These laws have shaped California, but are they really just tools for social engineering? The history of zoning is closely tied to racial segregation, as well as the state's shortage of …
California has some of the worst economic inequality in the United States. Is the housing crisis a cause?
As California insurance companies have revoked the fire policies of thousands of homeowners, the state has taken steps to get them covered again.
From CalMatters...
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From West Sacramento News Ledger...
Affordable housing here appears lush with the addition of Evergreen Apartments.
UC Davis will break ground on a new residence hall next spring in the Segundo area, following approval this week by the UC Board of Regents.
From Davis Vanguard...
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