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another look at the hattie weber museum
I could have included this in the last post, but because it happened to fall into September I decided not to. I've drawn this before a few times (that could be the name of my book) and it is the H...
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Listed under: Education Families & Children
Heat pumps, an energy-efficient way to both heat and cool homes, are a necessary element of California's climate goal of net zero carbon emissions. Here's what they are, how they work, and how to get one.
Long-duration energy storage is essential if renewables are to become the basis for a future, carbon-neutral power grid. Here's how California is leading the race to store energy from solar, wind, and other clean sources for use whenever it's needed.
California has used reclamation districts to turn millions of acres of unusable swamps into fertile agricultural land, starting in the earliest days of the Gold Rush. Here’s how it happened.
California is a leading producer of agricultural crops. So it’s not surprising to find cutting-edge ideas taking root here.
Solar power, and a network of giant battery storage facilities, are playing an essential role in moving California toward its goal of exclusive reliance on renewable energy sources.
What do resource conservation districts protect? Pretty much everything that’s worth saving.
Residential wells are drying up in the state’s main agricultural region at the same time that agricultural businesses consume almost 90 percent of the water there.
From Los Angeles Times...
From West Sacramento News Ledger...
It is the first County Office of Education in the U.S. to move forward with the operation of its own independent microgrid.
From CapPublicRadio...
From Daily Democrat...
From CalMatters...
From The Dirt...
The City of Davis has installed a free, solar mobile electric vehicle charger—the first of it's kind in the region, according to City officials.
Congresswoman Doris Matsui, Senator Bill Dodd, D-Napa, Yolo County and West Sacramento officials announced that the city will receive a $1.9-million grant through the Sacramento Area Council of Governments Carbon Reduction Program.
From Davis Enterprise...
These initiatives align with Yolo County’s goal, established by the Board of Supervisors in 2020, to achieve a carbon-negative footprint by 2030.
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