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logos books on the corner of the alley
Last sketch of the sketchbook, not the last one of 2024. Logos Books is a good little bookshop downtown, they sell second-hand books and you can pick up some great bargains. They get their books f...
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Listed under: Education Families & Children
These renderings, illustrations and designs are taken from the California Forever official press kit and from the official East Solano Homes, Jobs and Clean Energy Initiative.
Rendering of a Neighborhood Mixed Use zone in the new community.
Rendering of street level in a Neighborhood Mixed Use zone.
Rendering of a downtown plaza with transit center.
Rendering of a park/open space zone.
Rendering of a scene in an Open Space Zone.
Rendering of walkable streets in a Commercial Mixed Use Zone or Maker and Manufacturing Zone.
A map of the proposed new community in the context of neighboring communities.
Map of the different zones in the proposed new community.
Illustration of a walkable neighborhood in the proposed new community.
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