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Charge Trump with a Crime, Say 84% of Power Poll Respondents

PUBLISHED AUG 4, 2022 12:00 A.M.
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  Photo by Gage Skidmore   CC BY-SA 3.0


Only one proposal in the year-long history of the San Jose Inside Power Poll has been more popular than the notion that the U.S. Justice Department should charge former president Donald J. Trump with one or more crimes.

The August Power Poll responses showed 84% favor charging Trump with one or more crimes.

Meanwhile, 57% of poll respondents—and four out of five with an opinion on the topic—do not believe that San Jose’s old city hall needs to be preserved for its historic significance.

In the poll, 70% of respondents said they believe that people should have the right to work as contractors if they so choose,

explicitly rejecting the thinking behind the state restrictions on gig workers better known as AB 5.

And finally, Palo Alto Police Chief Bob Jonsen is leading retired sheriff’s Capt. Kevin Jensen as our panelists’ preference to replace sheriff Laurie Smith, but 43% of respondents don’t yet have an opinion.

Follow this link for specific questions and responses to the San Jose Inside Power Poll.

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