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From California Local...
A new variant of the COVID-causing coronavirus is causing fears of a new pandemic wave.
Prices are going up and inflation is making headlines—but what’s causing it and can it be stopped?
California’s ports are backed up with overflow cargo ship traffic. Here’s why that’s dangerous.
COVID relief measures have ended. But people are still out of work in California.
The state of California, as well as some local governments, will soon require all public employees to be vaccinated against COVID. Here’s why they’re taking that step.
Mask requirements appear to be on the way back in California, including for fully vaccinated people. Here's why.
A new report reveals that only 20 counties have complied with a law requiring release of workplace COVID outbreak data.
A Superior Court Judge has placed at least some limits on the governor's power to impose health-related restrictions. Here's what that means.
From CapRadio...
How California students are getting back into classrooms after a year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Department of Public Health has updated guidelines for Halloween and Dia de los Muertos.
In June, California was a success story. Less than a month later, the state was in crisis.
The company has gotten emergency FDA approval for a new drug to treat COVID-19.
Officials take steps toward reopening California, adhering to a six-item action plan.
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