California Local is committed to providing reliable news and information that is carefully vetted for accuracy, professionally edited and fun to read—for free.
To help pay for this, we are partnering with organizations and agencies whose work we support, and helping them tell their stories. As one of the services we provide for our strategic partners, we write articles about things they're doing that we believe will be of interest to our community.
In the interest of transparency and full disclosure, we label all such articles as Partner Content. We want you to know that we are just as careful with this content as we can be, and in every case we stand by what we publish.
The Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation develops partnerships to prepare and respond to emergencies with its COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster).
A conversation with two committed professionals who help CASA Sacramento match trained volunteers with children in the foster care system.
Marie Heilman of Winters, who is happy to be alive, wants people to guard against mosquitoes and the deadly virus they carry.
California Local partners with organizations and agencies whose work we support to help them tell their stories.