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Woodland Opera House


340 Second St, Woodland, CA 95695

(530) 666-9617


The Woodland Opera House, a California landmark listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is one of four fully functioning 19th-century opera houses in the state.

Having hosted talent from Harry Davenport to John Philip Sousa to Sydney Greenstreet, the Woodland Opera House continues to operate in support of the performing arts.

Though the original Opera House burned down in the 1892 fire that destroyed much of downtown Woodland, the current structure was rebuilt on the same site using some remaining materials before reopening in 1896, seven years after its original construction in 1885. The building was closed in 1913 and remained boarded up until 1971 when the Yolo County Historical Society purchased the building. Having been declared a state historical park in 1976, the property was then given to the State of California in 1980 to be restored.

Woodland Opera House runs a school outreach program that offers affordable tickets to live performances. It also hosts an education program, with classes for children and adult and a dance education program for those age 3 and older at the Theatre and Dance Annex (TADA Studio).

The building is owned by the state of California; however, the Opera House receives no financial support from the state, county or city. Instead, the Opera House brings in about half of the total income needed to operate. Other programming and rentals bring in some funds, while the remainder of the budget comes from donations, corporate underwriting, foundation grants and other sources.

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