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Fourth and Hope


Emergency Shelter & Services: 1901 East Beamer St, Woodland, CA 95776; Walter's House: 285 Fourth St, Woodland, CA 95695

Emergency Shelter & Services: (530) 661-1218; Walter's House: (530) 662-2699


Fourth and Hope provides food, clothing, shelter and assistance in recovery for those in need, regardless of religion.

A faith-based organization, Fourth and Hope serves the community in Woodland and Yolo County. Originally founded in 1985 as the Yolo Wayfarer Center Christian Mission by a group of volunteers, the nonprofit has been continuously evolving to accommodate the needs of individuals who lack basic needs and secure housing.

Fourth and Hope manages a 100-bed emergency shelter with a commercial kitchen for hot meals; permanent supportive housing programs; and Walter’s House, a 44-bed residential treatment program. The Emergency Shelter is the largest of its kind in Yolo County and operates 24/7 (day services from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.), with dorms separated by gender with access to restrooms, showers, laundry, transportation, phone and mail services. Participants are provided intensive case management and clinical services from the Behavioral Health Program, led by a licensed clinical social worker, and are required to follow a case packet specific to their needs.

Fourth and Hope relies on the support of volunteers and donors. The nonprofit also hosts fundraising events like Empty Bowls, a global movement that fights hunger locally.

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