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Misunderstanding allows Lake Berryessa to remain Lake Berryessa
Team Giving
Listed under: Community Service & Support
P.O. Box 982 Davis, CA 95617
(530) 341-2432
Make It Happen Yolo County supports underserved local foster youthwho are transitioning into independent living situations with furniture, household goods and resources to furnish their first apartment or home.
From West Sacramento News Ledger...
Gift will help local transition age youth live independentlyOriginal article published at West Sacramento News-Ledger
From Davis Enterprise...
From Daily Democrat...
A decade ago, a small group of Davis residents teamed up to make sure that Yolo County’s foster youth had the furnishings and household items they needed to create a home when they moved out on their own.
Local nonprofit Make It Happen for Yolo County is partnering with the Martin Luther King Jr., High School Bicycle Repair Shop in Davis to ensure underserved transition age youth across the county have refurbished bicycles for transportation to work or school.
Local nonprofit Make It Happen for Yolo County has received a grant of $25,000 from the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation Community Fund to ensure local under-resourced transition age foster youth can become successful first-time renters.
Connecting With Community Groups in Yolo County
Yolo County community groups and nonprofits play a fundamental role in making this a safe and thriving place.
Consider getting involved by volunteering your time, donating money, or both. Above you can learn about what services Make It Happen provides to the community and easily volunteer, donate, register for services, or connect with them on social media. Visit the Yolo County Community Groups directory to see a comprehensive list of organizations on all subjects that are relevant to creating a vibrant local community.
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Make It Happen
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