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Rosanna Herber was first elected to the SMUD Board of Directors in 2018. She represents Ward 4, which includes Curtis Park, Land Park, Greenhaven, Pocket, Walnut Grove, and part of Elk Grove. She and her wife of over 20 years live in Curtis Park. A native of Fort Wayne, Indiana, she moved to California in 1986 after receiving bachelor’s degrees in psychology and Spanish from Indiana University. Herber also earned an MBA from Saint Mary’s College. She spent 20 working at SMUD in such areas as government affairs, key accounts, community relations and community engagement. Before retiring in 2012, she served as the director of public power strategy for the California Municipal Utilities Association. Herber was also chief of staff to Sacramento Councilwoman Kimberly Mueller.
Herber has spent decades volunteering and building relationships with businesses and community groups. She served as president of her Curtis Park neighborhood association, and has taken on leadership roles in a variety of community organizations, including the Sacramento LGBT Center, the Greater Broadway Partnership, and Soroptimist International of Metropolitan, Sacramento. Herber serves as the mayor’s representative on the Sacramento Transit Authority Board, which decides how federal transit dollars are spent locally. She is also the president of the Lili Valley Water Company and a founding member of the Sacramento Women and Girls Advancement Coalition.
From Elk Grove News Net...
From Carmichael Times...
SMUD’s Board of Directors elected Director Gregg Fishman as president of the board. His term as president runs from January through December.
From Folsom Times...
The Sacramento Municipal Utility District Board of Directors is ushering in a new era of leadership with the election of Gregg Fishman as President and Dave Tamayo as Vice President. Their terms will span from January to December 2025, marking a period of continued innovation and commitment to clean energy for the community-owned electric service provider.
From West Sacramento Sun...
The names of customers and vendors who have not yet cashed checks dated Sept. 30, 2021 or earlier are now available on smud.org.
The pesky winds that swept through the area let up just in time for visitors to enjoy a perfect day beneath sunny skies at the 11th annual Electricity Fair Saturday morning and early afternoon at the Folsom Powerhouse State Historic Park in Historic Folsom.
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