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Last sketch of the sketchbook, not the last one of 2024. Logos Books is a good little bookshop downtown, they sell second-hand books and you can pick up some great bargains. They get their books f...
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Angela Curro represents District 4 on the San Benito County Board of Directors, serving residents in South County, southeast Hollister, Tres Pinos, Ridgemark and Paicines. She won her seat in the June 2022 primary, getting 52 percent in a three-way race with candidates Tony Avilla and Elia Salinas.
Curro’s long career in local government includes stints with the elections departments in two counties (Santa Clara and San Francisco) before she became a project engineer, working on Gilroy Gardens and affordable housing projects. In 2011 she took a job with San Benito County as the assistant county clerk-recorder-registrar of voters, which she held until taking early retirement in 2020.
Her focus on public safety and law enforcement garnered her key endorsements from the Hollister Firefighters Association and San Benito County Deputy Sheriffs Association. She also received support from former supervisors Bob Tiffany and Mark Medina. After her win, Curro told BenitoLink that her top priorities are to address failing infrastructure and to ensure retainment of qualified county employees.
Notable quote: “The board’s continuous challenge is generating new revenue sources. The real question is, how can we bring deputy staffing levels not only up to prior years but to the level we need now? It is all about being proactive, by working with our community to bring more local/commercial businesses, which will boost our tax base. Also, we need to continuously work with the state and federal government to ensure we are not missing out on any resources or grant assistance.” (Source: BenitoLink)
From Benito Link...
At a Jan. 14 meeting, the San Benito County Board of Supervisors discussed the future of Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital. By a unanimous vote, they decided to approach the San Benito Health Care District in an effort to stymie the potential lease-sale of the hospital to the Michigan-based Insight Health.
Construction of Riverview Regional Park, the 46-acre recreation zone planned for the area between the Hollister High School campus and the San Benito River, will begin this fall, a year later than originally expected.
For the second time, San Benito County has canceled a town hall meeting to discuss the future of the county’s fire protection services. The meeting—which was supposed to take place in December but was then rescheduled for Jan. 9—has been indefinitely postponed.
On Jan. 6 the San Benito County Board of Supervisors unanimously chose Kollin Kosmicki to be its chair for 2025. Among his duties, he will preside over board meetings, rule on questions of procedure and appoint committees to study issues.
In many elections, voters will cast a ballot selecting candidates at the top of the ticket but skip voting on “down-ballot” races—resulting in what election officials call “undervotes.” In the Nov. 5 election, a number of San Benito County races had more undervotes tallied than the margin between the top two choices, which means the undervotes may have determined the outcomes of those races.
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