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logos books on the corner of the alley
Last sketch of the sketchbook, not the last one of 2024. Logos Books is a good little bookshop downtown, they sell second-hand books and you can pick up some great bargains. They get their books f...
Golden Empire Council
Listed under: Education Families & Children Parks & Recreation
Members of the City Council “broke bread” with West Sacramento seniors on Dec. 11 at Café Yolo inside the Community Center at 1075 West Capitol Ave. Original article published at West Sacramento News-Ledger
On July 31, Meals on Wheels Yolo County launched Café Yolo, a social dining experience for seniors age 60+ to meet and socialize every Wednesday at the West Sacramento Community Center.Original article published at West Sacramento News-Ledger
The City of West Sacramento senior population understands the safety that a level step or a handrail provides, making minor construction projects priorities in their lives.
For more than four decades, YoloCares has helped families navigate life’s final stages.
Second Harvest Food Bank Santa Cruz County CEO Erica Padilla-Chavez looks at food insecurity as a symptom of an underlying disorder—one that can be cured.
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