Big Sur Land Trust logo

Big Sur Land Trust


509 Hartnell St, Monterey, CA 93940

(831) 625-5523


We can all thank Big Sur Land Trust—at least partially—for the stunning views of open space in Monterey County.

Through donations, BSLT has conserved more than 40,000 acres in its mission to “inspire love of land across generations, conservation of our unique Monterey County landscapes, and access to outdoor experiences for all.” BSLT invites the public to join other nature groupies at group hikes and to “get their hands dirty” out in the wild.

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Connecting With Community Groups in Monterey County

Monterey County community groups and nonprofits play a fundamental role in making this a safe and thriving place.

Consider getting involved by volunteering your time, donating money, or both. Above you can learn about what services Big Sur Land Trust provides to the community and easily volunteer, donate, register for services, or connect with them on social media. Visit the Monterey County Community Groups directory to see a comprehensive list of organizations on all subjects that are relevant to creating a vibrant local community.

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