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What To Do as a First Timer in Monterey County, CA.
American Legion Post 512
Listed under: Veterans
The Planning Commission was established to advise the Board of Supervisors on Monterey County’s general plan for land development in unincorporated areas of the county. The commission conducts public hearings on general and specific area plans, and on matters concerning implementation of the plans, including zone changes, subdivisions and highway matters. Commissioners appoint citizen advisory committees to provide assistance and community input on the specific area plans. The commission is composed of 10 members appointed to four-year terms that end on Jan. 23. The commission works with two county staff members. Melissa McDougal, the administrative secretary of Housing Community and Development, can be reached at (831) 755-5146. Sophia Magana, the secretary of Housing Community and Development, can be reached at (831) 755-5305.
The commission meets on the second and last Wednesday of each month, except for November and December, when meetings are once monthly.
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