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Image for display with article titled Kaiser to Replace Old San Jose Hospital

Kaiser Permanente plans to rebuild its 50-year old hospital in South San Jose and city officials call it a "win-win" for residents.

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Image for display with article titled Why San Jose Is Swapping E-Scooter Companies

Lime and Bird brand electric scooters are disappearing from San Jose streets as the city brokers an exclusive deal with another company to launch up to 1,000 e-scooters.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Could Restrict Use of AI Tools to Set Rent Prices

San Jose housing advocates say corporate property owners are taking advantage of the latest artificial intelligence tech to drive up rent prices — and renters are feeling the financial pain.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Officials Wrestling With Control of Vietnamese Garden

San Jose officials this week will reckon with a political fight over a park important to the city's Vietnamese community.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Councilmembers Team Up to Lobby City

Terming out of office hasn't kept San Jose policymakers from sticking around City Hall as paid lobbyists. But the business of swaying former colleagues is becoming a crowded field.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Official Says City Won’t Sell Tiny Homes Site to County

After angry community protests, San Jose officials are scrapping plans to sell Santa Clara County a tiny homes site to house incarcerated people with mental health issues on the south side of the city.

California Local Pin Marker From The Mercury News...

A project to develop over 100 units of housing, including 20% affordable, on 49 acres on Harry Road in San Jose is under consideration.

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Image for display with article titled West San Jose Development Cuts Affordable Apartments

A proposed West San Jose housing project that would have added more than 100 affordable homes has been scrapped.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Still Searching for New Flea Market Site

San Jose officials are hard-pressed to find an alternative site for the Berryessa Flea Market as development is set to displace vendors and threaten their livelihoods.

California Local Pin Marker From The Mercury News...

A proposal by Kaiser Permanente to further develop and expand its medical campus on Hospital Parkway has been approved by the San Jose Planning Commission.

California Local Pin Marker From The Mercury News...

San Jose is considering the creation of a new business improvement district advocated by the Tully Road-Eastridge Business Association.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Mayor Pulls Endorsement of Cop Running for City Council

San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan has withdrawn his endorsement of Tam Truong, a City Council candidate and police officer who’s still running for office after county prosecutors charged him with grand theft related to mortgage fraud allegations.

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Image for display with article titled State Lawmakers Raise Access Concern Over San Jose Vietnamese Garden

State lawmakers are calling out San Jose officials for changing the locks and community event access to a Vietnamese cultural garden that’s opened a political rift in Little Saigon.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Expands Cleanup Crew That Employs Homeless Residents

Neighborhoods stretching outside of immediate downtown San Jose will see cleaner streets and more job opportunities for homeless people in that area.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Leaders Push Proposition 36 as Critics Fight Back

A coalition of elected officials that Gov. Gavin Newsom dismissed as "just a couple mayors," is raising hundreds of thousands of dollars in an effort to reverse lenient rules on retail and drug crimes.

California Local Pin Marker From The Mercury News...

A development of three towers with over 1,000 units of housing has been proposed for South First and South Second Street in San Jose.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Selects First Homeless Sleeping Site

San Jose officials have zeroed in on the city's first location for a sanctioned encampment, where homeless people will be allowed to stay inside tents without fear of being swept.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Police Denied Immunity in Excessive Force Lawsuit

A legal shield protecting police officers from excessive force lawsuits has taken a major blow in San Jose. 
The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday denied qualified immunity for Michael Panighetti, a San Jose Police Department officer who shot a Black activist, Derrick Sanderlin, in the groin with a foam round while he held a sign in 2020. The incident occurred during local protests over the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. The ruling allows Sanderlin’s excessive force lawsuit to proceed, despite city officials’ efforts to prevent it from going forward.
“We are happy the case is going forward. It’s been a long time coming — over four years at this point — so all my clients are eager to have their case finally heard by a jury," attorney Sarah Marinho, who represents Sanderlin and six others in the lawsuit, told San José Spotlight.
Marinho said she expects the case to move forward in the trial courts soon.
“I’m waiting at any moment to receive the next court date by the trial judge. That could be a month out — there’s no way to know when exactly," Marinho said.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Sweeps Columbus Park After Homeless Return

Emotions ran high at a homeless encampment near a San Jose park as the city began sweeping the streets that unhoused residents called home.

California Local Pin Marker From Mountain View Voice...

The mayors of Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, Foster City and Half Moon Bay have all voiced support for pursuing a regional plan to address local homelessness.

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Image for display with article titled East San Jose Businesses to Launch Growth Plan

East San Jose businesses are partnering with the city to launch a plan to drive more shoppers into the Tully Eastridge neighborhoods and breathe new life into its diverse economy.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Officials Want Rebate for Electric Leaf Blowers

Advocates and politicians have worked for years to ban the use of gas-powered leaf blowers in San Jose. A new incentive could be the answer.

California Local Pin Marker From The Mercury News...

A 2.2-acre lot on West San Carlos Street near downtown San Jose is under consideration for development of over 200 units of affordable housing.

California Local Pin Marker From The Mercury News...

Following the direction of the Federal Aviation Commission, the City of San Jose began clearing a homeless encampment from under a flight path serving San Jose Mineta International Airport.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Hotel for Homeless Residents Fails to Meet Needs

Last year, a renovated San Jose hotel on The Alameda reopened with much fanfare to house homeless residents. But problems have cropped up from the start, according to people who live there.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Has Highest Home Prices in Nation

It’s cheaper to rent a home in San Jose than buy one, though renters still pay steep prices in one of the most costly cities in the nation.

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Image for display with article titled East San Jose Gets Funds to Clean Lake

Arvind Kumar and his husband Ashok Jethanandani spend their Saturday mornings pulling weeds and protecting plants native to California, but not in their yard at home. Instead, they’ve spent the last 20 years volunteering at Lake Cunningham Park in their East San Jose neighborhood — working to undo years of neglect and unsafe water.

California Local Pin Marker From The Mercury News...

A proposal for a 205-unit all-affordable housing development on an empty lot on West Julian Street in downtown San Jose has been filed.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Developer Nets Millions to Transform Berryessa Corridor

North San Jose will see a transformational change along one of its busiest transit corridors as more affordable housing, walkways and bike and bus lanes are developed — thanks to a multimillion-dollar state grant aimed at reducing carbon emissions.

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Image for display with article titled San Jose Lawmakers Influence Vote Over Muwekma Ohlone Recognition

San Jose leaders have suspended discussions over supporting the federal recognition of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe — pushing it to a vote in mid-September after receiving letters from two congressional leaders critical of the proposal.

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