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New Retail/Commercial Opportunities Continue to Increase in San Benito County
The retail landscape is poised for substantial growth in Hollister, with over 300,000 square feet of new commercial space being developed. Multiple shopping centers, including Hollister Farms and ...
San Benito Agricultural Land Trust
Listed under: Land Use & Development Agriculture, Food & Gardening Sustainability
Under California law, local governments may work together in a "Joint Powers Authority." But these little-known agencies can wield broad powers—even to levy taxes—with little public accountability.
The state of California, as well as some local governments, will soon require all public employees to be vaccinated against COVID. Here’s why they’re taking that step.
AB 1185, authorizing civilian sheriff's oversight bodies, was one of the few law enforcement reform bills to pass in the wake of the George Floyd protests. What does the law accomplish, and will it make a difference?
Climate scientists say that global warming is making wildfire season much worse. Here's how climate change causes fires to be more destructive.
California‘s veterans are as varied as the nations in which they served—a tapestry of different educational levels, professions, and life experiences. And they all deserve our respect and support.
At hundreds of Stand Down events throughout California, veterans agencies and organizations come together to deliver life’s necessities.
How California's extensive public school system is organized and managed, explained.
California has gone from one library to more than 1,100 in the last 171 years.
Pushed by activists, cities move from at-large elections to district races.
As the 17th-smallest county in California, San Benito has perhaps the smallest Superior Court system in the Bay Area region.
A USC study shows the economy recovered fully from the 2008 recession—except for housing.
A Superior Court Judge has placed at least some limits on the governor's power to impose health-related restrictions. Here's what that means.
In 2022, California trash haulers will begin turning millions of tons of methane-emitting organic waste into a new cash crop: compost.
California’s plan to get schoolchildren back into classrooms after a year of distance learning is taking shape. Here’s the latest on the state’s school reopenings.
What is California’s Forest Management Task Force and what does it do?
This year's dry lightning storms left the state scrambling to for climate change solutions.
In June, California was a success story. Less than a month later, the state was in crisis.
Officials take steps toward reopening California, adhering to a six-item action plan.
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