California Local Explainers, Guides, Etc.

Image caption: Betting on sporting events such as the Super Bowl may soon be legal in California.
California’s Four Sports Betting Initiatives

In 2022, California voters may see as many as four ballot initiatives to make betting on sporting events legal. Here’s how they would change sports gambling, and who's behind each separate measure.

Image caption: Margaret Cho, George Lopez, Tiffany Haddish and eight other California-bred comedians offer unique perspectives on their home state.

Plenty of East Coast comedians make California the butt of their jokes. Here are some locals who’ve earned the right to make fun of this place.

Image caption: Over two weekends last October, residents of Santa Cruz and Watsonville  participated in demonstration rides aboard an electric streetcar on rails.
The ‘Rail Trail’ Movement, Explained

Thousands of miles of railroad track, including some in Santa Cruz County, now sit idle. The fate of those largely abandoned tracks has become a burning controversy.

Image caption: Elkhorn Slough, California's second largest estuary, is just one of the natural wonders in the Monterey Bay region.
National Heritage Areas, Explained

The Monterey Bay National Heritage Area Study Act would evaluate whether Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties have cultural, natural and historic resources that tell an important American story.

Image caption: California has tried to pass single-payer health plans before. Is 2022 the year it happens?
Single-Payer Healthcare: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Single-payer healthcare may be the most-discussed but least-understood form of medical coverage. Here’s what you need to know as California considers a new bill for publicly funded universal insurance.

Image caption: Sheriffs are supposed to stand for ’law and order,’ but some believe they are a law unto themselves.
Right-Wing Extremism Among County Sheriffs, Explained

Sheriffs in some California counties and across the USA are engaging a dangerous movement toward right-wing extremism. What does this mean for local law enforcement?

Image caption: California Supreme Court Justice Leondra Kruger.
Leondra Kruger of California: Possible Biden SCOTUS Pick

California Supreme Court Justice Leondra Kruger, 45, reported to be high on Pres. Joe Biden’s list for a U.S. Supreme Court nomination, is known for her cautious, moderate legal opinions.

Image caption: San Benito High School District serves more than 3,000 students.
San Benito County's School Districts, Explained

San Benito County contains some of the smallest school districts in California, which has led to special challenges for the county school system, especially in adapting to the pandemic.

Image caption: Lawyers with the public defender and district attorney face each other at trial in the San Benito County courthouse.
San Benito County’s DA and Public Defender Offices, Explained

The San Benito County district attorney’s and public defender’s offices square off in court every day. Here’s how the system works.

Image caption: New Year's Day has been a time for celebration for at least 4,000 years.
Happy New Year, Explained

New Year's celebrations have been around as long as civilization itself. Here's how they started and how California marks the New Year today.

Image caption: California is taking at least small steps to reform the county sheriffs system.
The Trouble With Sheriffs

Though they are elected officials, county sheriffs have less accountability than any other law enforcement officials. Here's why, and what California is doing about it.

Image caption: The San Benito County grand jury acts as a watchdog over local government agencies and officials.
The San Benito County Grand Jury System, Explained

Made up of 19 volunteers, the civil grand jury is supposed to operate free from influence or interference by local officials.

Image caption: SB 35 aims to make it easier for developers to build projects that include significant amounts of affordable housing units.
SB35, California’s Key Affordable Housing Law, Explained

SB 35 is one of California’s most important affordable housing laws. Here’s what it does, and a look at how well it’s working.

Image caption: Why are homicides on the rise in California? There are several plausible theories.
What Drove Homicide Rates Up?

California homicide spiked by 31 percent in 2020. The shocking increase has continued into 2021. Here are several theories that attempt to explain the state’s suddenly rising murder rate.

Image caption: Despite a new law, leaf blowers may not be going away anytime soon.
Is California’s New Leaf Blower Ban Really a Ban?

California has a new law to ban leaf blowers, which both annoy neighbors and pollute the air. Here’s why the law might not do enough, explained.

Image caption: California continues to work on legislation that would make voting easier.
Voting Rites

California keeps on taking legislative steps that will keep it ranked in the top 10 of voter-friendly states.

Image caption: Access to abortion in California is limited in many areas, though state laws protect a woman’s right to choose.
Abortion Rights in California, Explained

California has historically been ahead of the rest of the country in expanding the legal right to abortion services. Here’s what state laws say today, and how we got here.

Image caption: There are more than 300 community service districts in California.
Community Services Districts, Explained

Community service districts can do most anything a city government can do. Here’s how they work and how to start one.

Image caption: Economists say that inflation is 2021 is the direct result of the pandemic.
How Bad Is Inflation, and How Can It Be Stopped?

Inflation is on the rise, with prices in some parts of California their highest in 13 years. Here’s what caused this round of inflation, and how can it be stopped.

Image caption: Hernandez Reservoir is among the water sources in San Benito County.
San Benito County Water Districts, Explained

Here's how San Benito County and its quartet of water districts delivers water to its residents and businesses.