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You’re Invited! In Full Bloom Opening Celebration
San Benito Agricultural Land Trust
Listed under: Land Use & Development Agriculture, Food & Gardening Sustainability
From SanBenitocom...
Youth Alliance will host Youth Rising on Sept. 15 at 6:30pm, a fundraising event dedicated to spotlighting the youth in the organization’s programs.
From Benito Link...
As part of a grant from the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program, Youth Alliance recently had the opportunity to participate in a visit to Indian Canyon, a ceremonial site for local indigenous people south of Hollister.  Young people were immersed into this space by Kanyon “Coyote Woman” Sayers-Roods as she greeted the group with [...]
The Community Foundation for San Benito County has awarded a $5,000 grant to Dentistry4Vets, a nonprofit that treats military veterans in need and suffering from a lack of dental care.
Google and Coursera will partner with the local council of the League of United Latin American Citizens to bring more high-tech job training and careers to San Benito County.
San Benito Agricultural Land Trust achieved national recognition through the Land Trust Accreditation Commission. It joins more than 450 land trusts across the nation to receive the honor.
The latest installment of “Project Revitalize” in downtown Hollister is nearly complete after the Epicenter opened its doors last week. The public got a sneak peek at the new building on Feb. 12.
The Community FoodBank of San Benito County announced that CEO Nancy Fruestta has stepped down, and the Board of Directors issued a press release thanking Frusetta for the work she did.
The Community FoodBank of San Benito County typically has a steady stream of helpers. However, there seems to be a critical shortage of assistance that could hurt families and individuals who are food insecure.
The American Red Cross is facing its worst blood shortage in more than a decade—a dilemma the organization calls a “national blood crisis”—and is pleading with people to donate blood.
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