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Partnership for Children


342 Pajaro St, Suite B, Salinas, CA 93901

(831) 422-3002


Partnership for Children, a division of the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California, believes every child with a serious illness deserves kindhearted and gracious care.

For families in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties, it can take several hours to travel to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto or UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in San Francisco. Partnership for Children provides safe, free transportation to medical appointments, as well as gas money to make travel less expensive. The organization also distributes financial donations for living expenses.

Connecting With Community Groups in San Benito County

San Benito County community groups and nonprofits play a fundamental role in making this a safe and thriving place.

Consider getting involved by volunteering your time, donating money, or both. Above you can learn about what services Partnership for Children provides to the community and easily volunteer, donate, register for services, or connect with them on social media. Visit the San Benito County Community Groups directory to see a comprehensive list of organizations on all subjects that are relevant to creating a vibrant local community.

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