Picture of Jose Nuño

Councilmember Jose Nuño

At Large


(209) 456-8017


When the city of Manteca switched to district elections in 2022, Councilmember Jose Nuño intended to bow out rather than seek another term. But instead he ended up extending his stay on the council when he was appointed to serve the remaining two years of Gary Singh’s at-large term after Singh won his bid for the mayor’s seat. Nuño’s wife grew up in Manteca and together they are raising their two sons in the city. He is a prior member of two Manteca advisory bodies: the Planning Commission and the General Plan Advisory Committee.

First elected: Nov. 6, 2018

Day job: Jose Nuño Consulting

Alma mater: California State University, Stanislaus (bachelor’s degree, psychology; master’s degree, public administration)

Notable quote: “We are not sitting still. Working together with city staff, the community and local leaders, we will continue to make Manteca a great place to live, work and play.” (Source: Facebook) 

Committee assignments: Manteca Unified School District 2X2, San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission, Tri Valley - San Joaquin Valley Regional Rail Commission, San Joaquin Council of Governments (alternate), Ad Hoc Homeless/Affordable Housing Committee, Ad Hoc Cannabis Policy and Regulations Committee, Ad Hoc Downtown Revitalization Committee

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