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San Joaquin County Education Digest

New Art Freiler School Principal Named


Maureen Riley has been hired as the new Principal of Art Freiler School by the Tracy Unified School District.

Mixer Held for new Teachers in Tracy


A July 23 mixer sponsored by the Tracy Unified School Districts and the Tracy Chamber of Commerce welcomed dozens of new teachers to the community.

Solar and Battery Storage Coming to Manteca Schools


New state green energy rules for public education facilities mean that Measure A funded upgrades to Brock Elliott and Joshua Cowell schools will include solar panels and onsite battery storage.

New Teen Center Offers Sneak Preview


The new Thomas Toy Community Center at 602 East Yosemite Avenue in Manteca opened for a "sneak preview" game night on July 25 and received positive reviews from local teens.

Manteca Unified School District Announces New Principals


Manteca Unified School District announced the hiring of new principals for French Camp, Mossdale, and New Haven elementary schools.

Stockton Unified Superintendent Contract Extended


In their July 23 meeting, the Stockton Unified School District voted to extend Superintendent Michelle Rodriguez's contract another four years.

Manteca's Sequoia School Upgrades Complete


Work funded by $8.4 million from Measure G and Measure A bond measures has upgraded the classrooms, playground and playing field turf.

Manteca Museum Seeks Volunteers


Volunteers are needed to help staff the Manteca Historical Museum.

Manteca Looks to Build 6th Fire Station


Officials in Manteca are seeking to take an acre of the 17-acre Tara elementary school for use as a sixth fire station.

Lodi Book Review Committee Disbanded


Following reports of school book banning, Lodi Unified School District Superintendent Neil Young announced the disbanding of the book review committee.

Group Seeking Donations for School Backpacks


As the new school year approaches, local community group is seeking community donations to help it reach its goal of acquiring 1,500 backpacks for distribution to underprivileged children this summer.

Donations of Food and School Supplies Sought


San Joaquin County community group Ray of Hope is urgently seeking donations of food and school supplies to help fill the summer gap in meals for school age youth and to prepare for the coming school year.

California Boosts Spending to Help Students Earn Math and Science Degrees


A program for low-income, first-generation STEM students at community colleges is receiving millions of dollars to expand across the state.

New Community Center Seeks Volunteers


The new Thomas Toy Community Center in Manteca is calling for volunteers as it prepares to open in September.

Does a Proposed $10 Billion Bond Favor Richer California School Districts?


Small and low-income school officials say the bond measure deal is unfair. The money is allocated through matching grants, so wealthier districts that can raise more local funds will get more money from the state.

Schools Bond Measure Heading to Tracy Voters


In their June 25 meeting, the Tracy Unified School District Board of Trustees approved putting a $190 million bond to fund school facility upgrades on the November ballot.

Delta College Bond Measure Advances to November Ballot


The San Joaquin Delta College Board of Trustees approved a bond measure for $598 million on the November ballot to fund facility upgrades.

Trustees Approve Delta College Bond Measure on November Ballot


In their June 18 meeting, the trustees of San Joaquin Delta College approved an almost $600 million facilities bond measure for the November ballot.

Sacramento Regional Tranisit Free Student Program Extended


Funding has been secured to continue the Sacramento Regional Transit RydeFreeRT program for local K-12 students.

CalMatters Hosts Big Ideas Festival


The two-day CalMatters Ideas Festival wrapped on June 6 with more than a dozen events examining critical policy issues impacting the lives of millions of Californians.

The Future for California Workers Is Apprenticeships


A panel of labor experts at the CalMatters Ideas Festival say California workers should have more access to more apprenticeships that pay more. Barriers still exist, especially for women and low-income Californians.

A Look at Police dispatches to Schools


EdSource reports that police are dispatched thousands of times per school day across California.

Raising Kids in California? They May Have College Savings Accounts You Don’t Know About.


The state is directly investing money for low-income students and all newborns to attend college. After two years, the program is still not widely known by the students who need the most financial assistance.

UC Student Workers Expand Strike to Two More Campuses as They Demand Amnesty for Protestors


After University of California students were arrested or suspended for protests, student workers are striking at three campuses. The Office of President says the strike violates the union contract.

School District Free Summer Lunch Program Launches


The Manteca Unified School District began its free Seamless Summer Lunch program on May 28 for children ages 2 to 18.

UC Davis Workers Join Strike


On May 28, UC Davis academic workers joined the strike protesting the University of California response to pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

‘We Have to Do Less With Less’: Cal State Faces Extra $500 Million Budget Gap


Two major forces are at play: Gov. Gavin Newsom scaled back his promise of increased financial support for Cal State, while university officials agreed to 5% salary increases earlier this year.

Land Purchase to Expand Nile Garden School Campus


The Manteca Unified School District is allocating $1.4 million for the purchase of nearly 9 acres to expand the Nile Garden School campus.

Ripon Unified School District Seat Opens


Longtime Ripon Unified School District Area 5 Trustee Christina Orlando is resigning effective June 24.

Sacramento State to Host Office for Black Student Advancement


Sacramento State will be home to the central office for the $10 million Black student advancement drive on all 23 California State University campuses.

Why UC Grad Students Are Going Out on Strike


The job action starting today at UC Santa Cruz isn’t about pay, but instead is in response to how UC deployed police to clear pro-Palestinian encampments on campuses.

Manteca Teen Center Has Open House


The Thomas Toy Community Center at Fremont and Yosemite Avenue held an open house on May 17 ahead of its official opening in September.


California's library system dates back 171 years.
How Cool Are Libraries?
California has gone from one library to more than 1,100 in the last 171 years.
California's sprawling public education system encompasses approximately 10,500 schools.
California’s Education System: How the Bureaucracy Works
How California's extensive public school system is organized and managed, explained.