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Saturday 2/1: Marina: Keep Eyes on Sudan Community Solidarity Event
Marina Library, Community Room, 190 Seaside Circle Marina, CA 93933
Watsonville Wetlands Watch
Listed under: Education Environment Water Sustainability
From Lookout Local...
Pajaro Valley Unified School District Cuts $5 Million From Budget
Read on for details about how the Pajaro Valley Unified School District is cutting $5 million from the annual budget and the reasons behind the move.
From CalMatters...
Small California Schools Brace for Layoffs as Congress Slashes Funding for Rural Education
Federal funding for rural schools goes to 39 California counties. School districts in those communities consider the money a lifeline.
Dec. 30, 2024, Bruce McPherson’s last day as supervisor for the Fifth District of Santa Cruz County, dawned bright and blue. After bidding farewell to his team of analysts and taking down the last mementos from his office walls, McPherson …
In Hollister, a nonprofit newsroom keeps local residents apprised of momentous changes.
When the Pajaro Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees holds its first meeting in January, they will be faced with the first in what will likely be a long line of difficult decisions as a likely financial crisis looms.
For the season of giving, Jacob Martinez and his team at Digital NEST had an idea: If the nonprofit that provides career skills to youth could garner 100 donations, Martinez would get his first tattoo on his upcoming birthday.
The Pajaro Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees will appoint a new member to replace outgoing Trustee Kim De Serpa, rather than hold a costly special election.
In 1853, the Methodist Church housed the first group of school children taught by Seneca Carroll in the village of Pajaro (later known as Watsonville).
In the coming year, Pajaro Valley Unified School District’s seven-member Board of Trustees—five of them newly elected—must cut $5 million from the budget, with more reductions likely in future years.
Back when Scotts Valley Unified School District officials were charting a course for the 2023-24 school year, they figured they’d bring in $26.2 million in revenue and spend $21.3 million.
Cabrillo College has been awarded a $150,000 grant from the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office to implement the Veterans Mental Health Demonstration Project. The two-year grant is one of 10 awarded to community colleges statewide for the project term starting …
Measure M, which will raise millions of dollars for construction, rebuilding and maintenance projects at each of Pajaro Valley Unified School District’s 35 schools has passed, and officials are starting to make plans for the money.
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