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Thursday 2/13: Diller Out of UCSC!
Base of UCSC Campus, Bay & High Street, Santa Cruz
Vets 4 Vets Santa Cruz
Listed under: Community Service & Support Veterans
The history of transportation in California has shaped the state, from the railroads to today’s highways, making the need for planning increasingly urgent. Here’s how it all happened, and where we stand today.
Thousands of miles of railroad track, including some in Santa Cruz County, now sit idle. The fate of those largely abandoned tracks has become a burning controversy.
From San Lorenzo Valley Post...
Beginning Monday, February 3, Caltrans will begin vegetation control work along the entire length of Highway 9 in Santa Cruz County. The first two weeks will focus on the roadway from east of Santa Cruz to Felton. The work continues Monday thru Friday from 7 am to 4 pm and is expected to conclude by mid-March.
From Santa Cruz Local...
Following an executive order from President Donald Trump, a major grant to fund the Coastal Rail Trail could be in limbo.
From Press Banner...
INewly-formed Ben Lomond Village Alliance sets sights on revitalizing downtown with ambitious projects.
Caltrans will begin vegetation control work on the entire length of Highway 9 in Santa Cruz County in support of California’s Wildfire and Forest Resilience Action Plan to manage vegetation and reduce wildfire risk along the state highway system.
From Lookout Local...
From CalMatters...
From The Pajaronian...
The original road between Watsonville and Gilroy was a narrow, windy turnpike, dating back to 1860.
From Santa Cruz Sentinel...
Caltrans will host a public meeting next week in Felton to hear project details and provide input regarding the upcoming South Santa Cruz Highway 9 capital preventative maintenance project.
Gasoline powered automobiles became popular in the 1920s as motorists enjoyed a new sense of mobility and adventure. In the early days, travel required careful planning, and gassing up was always a priority. Initially, gasoline had to be obtained at “bulk depots” where fuel was provided in cans or other containers.
From Local News Matters...
From Times Publishing Group...
Work continues on the Green Valley Road Multi-Use Project. The County of Santa Cruz Department of Community Development and Infrastructure said the project will provide pedestrians with a safer, more accessible path through the area. It also includes upgraded road crossings, new bus shelters and upgrades to existing bus stops, landscaping, and public art installations.
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