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Shopping in San Jose
Visit San Jose has just released a video promoting shopping in San Jose It's less than 90 seconds long, and highlights Santana Row, Valley Fair, Downtown San Jose, and Japantown. S...
Children’s Discovery Museum
Listed under: Education Families & Children
Representing Atherton, La Honda, Loma Mar, Menlo Park, Pescadero, Portola Valley, Redwood City, San Gregorio, and Woodside.
From San Jose Spotlight...
More than 60 people, some who traveled all the way to Los Altos from San Martin and Woodside, piled into a packed meeting, decked out in multi-colored plaid, cowboy hats and boots. They anxiously wrung their hands and wiped away tears as they advocated to save Bear Creek Stables from the threat of closure. For now, they've done it.
From San Lorenzo Valley Post...
The long-anticipated Highway 17 Wildlife and Trail Crossing Project reached a significant milestone with completion of the environmental review by the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. This is a significant step forward for this project that will enhance both wildlife health and safety and recreational access across the heavily used Highway 17 in an area that is a known roadkill hotspot.
From Los Gatan...
In Dec. 2022, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District agreed to a $100,000+ deal with Nomad Ecology of Martinez, Calif., to study the population of the “critically imperiled Santa Cruz Kangaroo Rat,” which had just reappeared on the Santa Clara County side of the Santa Cruz Mountains.
On Friday, the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District celebrated the opening of four additional miles of trail at the 1,400-acre Bear Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve—which adds on to the six miles previously opened to the public.
From Hilltromper Silicon Valley...
The 2.5-mile multi-use trail improvements, funded in part by Measure AA bond money, restore watershed health, improve habitat, and create a safe route to Skyline Boulevard.
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