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Downtown San Jose Falcon
Today I just have a great photo of a peregrine falcon sitting on top of San Jose's City Hall. It's a unique angle of Downtown San Jose that I have never seen before. In fact, I had to check Google...
Guadalupe River Park Conservancy
Listed under: Environment Parks & Recreation Sustainability
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Board of Directors sets VTA policy. The board has 18 members and ex-officio members, all of whom are elected officials appointed to serve on the board by the jurisdictions they represent. Fifteen directors are city council members and three are county supervisors. Twelve directors serve as voting members and six are alternates. Three Santa Clara County representatives to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission are ex-officio members who are non-voting.
The VTA Board of Directors meets on the first Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. at the County Government Center, 70 W Hedding St, San Jose (unless noted otherwise).
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