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Saturday 3/8: International Women's Day - Unite & Resist in Monterey
Monterey City Hall, 580 Pacific Street, Monterey
Santa Cruz County Youth Symphony
Listed under: Art, Culture & Media Families & Children
Learn how to get the most out of your Community Group Alliance membership.
People working together make things better.
Community Groups and nonprofits are central to healthy communities, and we want to make it easy for interested members of the community to learn more about your group and connect.
The way to do that is to contact our publisher, Mike Gelbman, to get set up as an administrator of your California Local presence.
Once you’ve been granted administrator privileges, all you need to do is sign in to your California Local member account and view your Community Group listing.
As an administrator, you’ll see several buttons to edit your group listing and add events to our community calendar.
Let’s take a look at what’s there.
When you are signed in to your California Local account, links to the community groups you administrate are found in your member profile page in the section titled My Groups.
Click on the link to display the listing for your group, which is also where are the administration controls may be found.
Clicking the Edit Ally Information button brings up a form to enter contact information, your web site and social media URLs, and a summary of your mission statement, service offerings and other information about your organization.
Edit your information as many times as you want until you are happy with the appearance of your California Local listing.
The purpose of the listing is to inform our members and visitors about the work your group does to make the community better, and to foster a desire to connect with and support your group.
Clicking the Ally Administrators button displays a list of administrators.
Next to each administrator is a Delete button, with which you can remove the person's administrator privileges.
There is also a form with which you can add new adminstrators by entering their email address and clicking on the Submit button.
If the person being added as an administrator is already a member of California Local under that email address, they will receive a welcome email informing them they've been made an administrator with links to your group listing and this help documentation. If not, they will receive an email inviting them to sign up as California Local members and informing them they've been made an administrator with links to your group listing and this help documentation.
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