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How We Helped Create a National Monument

A spectacular piece of land north of Santa Cruz shows what a determined group of people, with the help of a tenacious little media company, can do.

Image caption: Loch Lomond, the reservoir that supplies the city of Santa Cruz with a significant portion of its drinking water, is also a beautiful recreational and natural resource.
Dams and Reservoirs: Up and Down

California's first big reservoir project in decades is underway, as the state finally gets rid of some old dams. Environmental responsibility meets aridification.

Image caption: The council chambers in Santa Cruz City Hall has been the scene of countless heated political battles, and at least one melee.
It Takes a Village to Run a Village: Developing Leadership

As some municipalities struggle to find people to run for elected offices and advisory boards, we look at the civic engagement pipeline.

Image caption: A relaxing nap can be a good way to spend the holiday which honors workers.
Happy Labor Day to All Who Celebrate

In which we salute the hard workers who make California the fifth largest economy on the planet.

Image caption: The Memorial Rose Garden at McKinley Park in Sacramento. Built and maintained by everyday citizens as a gift to their city.
How Citizenship is Like Gardening

For one thing, "citizen," like "garden," can be used as a verb.

Image caption: Gov. Gavin Newsom walks through a homeless camp with a garbage bag.
California Cracks Down on Homeless Camps & Crime

In the midst of charges that California, and its favorite daughter Kamala Harris, are soft on crime, lawmakers step up in the name of public safety.

Image caption: Humpback whales lunge feeding in Monterey Bay.
Biden Comes Through for the Monterey Bay Area

Joe Biden visited the Santa Cruz County beach towns of Aptos and Capitola following bad storms a couple winters ago. Last week, his administration delivered a big pile of money to help these communities and their neighbors build resilience.

Image caption: A screenshot of the CalFire active incidents web page from August 4, 2024. Yikes.
California Fire Season Grinds On

As July goes down in the history books as the hottest ever recorded, the 2024 California fire season has already burned more than 30 times as much acreage as in 2023.

Image caption: Will Kamala Harris become the first Californian since Richard Nixon to lead the nation?
Statecraft takes time: Kamala Harris & Gavin Newsom

This week: Two examples of ways people in and around government and politics worked behind the scenes, and in the state house, to make things better.

Image caption: Look! The government is spending our money! (Courtesy 'Atlas Shrugged III,')
Money and Politics: The Good News

If you've ever wondered how your governments raise and spend your tax money, here's a primer.

Image caption: View  north over Highway 140, El Portal, and the Merced River canyon as a summer storm rolls on by. Screenshot from a time-lapse courtesy of ALERTCalifornia-UC San Diego.
Heat Waves, Mountaintop Cameras, and Municipal Budgets

The public process that determines who stays cool and who does not—and many more urgent issues. Plus a virtual escape to the high country.

Image caption: A commitment to justice and accountability is carved in stone, so to speak, in the California constitution, which gives every citizen the right to serve on their county's civil grand jury.
Citizens Investigating Governments

Over the past week, citizens empowered as members of civil grand juries issued reports of their investigations of local governments. It's an honorable institution, and they found some dishonorable stuff.

Image caption: Um, how much for the fire extinguisher?
Staying Safe and Sane

The celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence is always a booming success for the fireworks industry.

Image caption: An image from September 2020 of Lake Tenaya in Yosemite National Park, with sunlight and shadows cast in the wildfire smoke hanging over the lake water.
Fire Season Begins with a Roar

Summer is here, and with it, fire season.

Image caption: The Sacramento San Joaquin Delta, aka the California Delta, is one of the largest estuaries on the West Coast, and supplies the state with two-thirds of its water.
Californians Saving Trees and Water

Logging for the future, starting in 1946, and building water resiliency, starting now.

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The Importance of Planning

It's impossible to predict the future—unless you set your mind to make something happen and build a coalition to execute your plan. That's how democracy works. And, frankly, how California works.

Image caption: A typically joyful scene in the pool at the city of Sacramento's Clunie Community Center.
Celebrating California's Diversity, Homegrown Food, and DTLA

Kamala Harris, Tiger Woods, and 23 more AAPI Californians; DTLA flourishes, and a homemade birthday cake.

Image caption: If you really look, you will find some good things are happening in California.
We Have Some Real Good News

Our brand new book, "How California Works: Building Democracy in the Golden State," tells a true story that you'll be glad to know. And: Learn how, if you look closely, you'll see that things are truly getting better.

Image caption: Construction of multifamily housing developments is set to skyrocket in the next half decade.
Here Comes the California Housing Boom

The state has pledged to build 2.5 million housing units by 2030, and one agency is charged with that task. Meet the California Department of Housing and Community Development.

Image caption: People are nearby to throw you a line if you feel you are sinking.
May is Mental Health Month

Your mental health is the most important thing in the world.

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