Santa Cruz County View Articles

Image caption: Screenshot from a Greenway campaign video.
From Bud Colligan, Nadene Thorne & Bobbi Burns: ‘Clearing Up Misconceptions About Measure D’

Measure D, the Greenway Initiative, has generated more dialog than any measure in the history of Santa Cruz County. Why all the attention and unfortunate vitriol? Both sides of the issue believe strongly that their approach to dealing with our …

Image caption: Looking northeast on the Santa Cruz Rail Trail near Bay and Lennox streets.
Fred Keeley: Vote No on Greenway

A June ballot initiative, Measure D, would kill nearly three decades of work to buy and repair a 32-mile existing rail line from Davenport, through Santa Cruz, all the way to Watsonville.

Image caption: Rail Trail in red vs Delaware Avenue in green.
Keith Bontrager on SC Rail Trail

MTB-design pioneer Keith Bontrager compares the commute on a segment of the Santa Cruz Rail Trail with a ride on a parallel street.


An informed point of view contributed by a member of the community addressing a topic of concern, in their own words, edited for length and clarity by California Local editors.