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Saturday 2/1: Marina: Keep Eyes on Sudan Community Solidarity Event
Marina Library, Community Room, 190 Seaside Circle Marina, CA 93933
Listed under: Animals
555 Main St, Watsonville, CA 95076
Watsonville Brown Berets is an educational, cultural awareness nonprofit organization. Founded in 1966 by a team of high school students, the organization wants to address issues affecting Mexican Americans in their barrios and schools.
The organization gained its name and “Brown Berets” symbol when its member decided to wear brown berets as a symbol of unity and resistance against discrimination. Issues the Brown Berets are fighting for are equal opportunities in public schools, health care, and job opportunities. The organization is also fighting against police harassment, minority education issues, lack of political representation and more.
Connecting With Community Groups in Santa Cruz County
Santa Cruz County community groups and nonprofits play a fundamental role in making this a safe and thriving place.
Consider getting involved by volunteering your time, donating money, or both. Above you can learn about what services Watsonville Brown Berets provides to the community and easily volunteer, donate, register for services, or connect with them on social media. Visit the Santa Cruz County Community Groups directory to see a comprehensive list of organizations on all subjects that are relevant to creating a vibrant local community.
Watsonville Brown Berets is listed under:
Watsonville Brown Berets
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