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Friday 9/27: Santa Cruz Picket: CHEVRON DIVEST from Palestinian Genocide!
Chevron on the corner of Soquel and Ocean, Santa Cruz
Recovery Café Santa Cruz
Listed under: Crisis & Personal Support
From Times Publishing Group...
Public Discusses Scotts Valley Town Center Options
A report on the August 22 meeting held for public feedback on the three options presented for the Scotts Valley Town Center development.
Candidate Q&A: Second District Santa Cruz County Supervisor
The Times Publishing Group Q&A with the candidates running for the Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors District 2 seat in November.
Candidate Q&A: Capitola City Council Candidates
The Times Publishing Group Q&A with four candidates running for Capitola City Council in November.
From CalMatters...
California’s Economy Lags Behind Other States, Here’s Why It’s So Sluggish
California’s unemployment rate, 5.2% of its labor force in July, is no longer the nation’s highest after months of having that dubious distinction.
From https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/fires/article291844345.html...
CalFire Deploys New Air Tanker
CalFire received the first of five planes promised by the federal government, a former Coast Guard C-130 Hercules air tanker.
Gavin Newsom Calls Special Session on Gas Prices
Unable to jam through bills he says will lower California gas prices, Gov. Newsom calls the Legislature back into session.
California’s Inequality Hotspots
A large apartment complex in San Rafael’s majority-Latino Canal neighborhood. Latino families in Marin County are far more likely than white families to have trouble making ends meet, a new report finds.
More Affordable Housing Funds Could Come With New Labor Requirements
The Legislature is willing to guarantee $500 million annually to affordable housing developers, but with a caveat.
California Emergency Alerts Warn You About Fires and Extreme Weather. How to Sign Up in Your County
Early warning systems save lives during disasters, but a recent FEMA survey found that only a third of people are signed up. Use this resource to find your county’s emergency alert sign-up page.
From Lookout Local...
Measure Q Gains Labor Support
On August 29, backers of Santa Cruz Measure Measure Q to fund wildfire and climate resiliency and infrastructure announced the support of the Monterey Bay Central Labor Council.
Metro Rides Free or Discounted to Santa Cruz County Fair
Free and discounted fairs and a special bus route to the Santa Cruz County Fair are being offered by Santa Cruz Metro September 11-15.
Santa Cruz County Fentanyl Deaths Decreasing
Data from the office of the Santa Cruz County Sheriff indicates a decrease in local fentanyl-related deaths in 2024.
1 in 6 CHP Jobs Are Vacant — Despite Historic Raises and Newsom’s Hiring Campaign
California Highway Patrol officers received historically high raises in 2022 and 2023, but it continues to face a high vacancy rate of 16%.
From Inmate Release to Immigrant Housing Aid, California Bills Spur End-of-Session Fireworks
Some Democrats are pushing bills that could put their colleagues on the hot seat in an election year. The authors say they’re representing their constituents and there’s never a perfect time for votes.
From Santa Cruz Sentinel...
Watsonville City Council Approves City Plaza Gazebo Restoration
In their August 27 meeting, the Watsonville City Council approved moving forward with a complete restoration of the City Plaza gazebo.
North Highway 1 Closures On September 8 for Ironman 70.3
Highway 1 between Western Drive in Santa Cruz and Pigeon Point Road in San Mateo County will be closed on parts of September 8 to make way for the biking leg of the 70.3 Santa Cruz triathlon.
Harvey West Pool Reopening Set for Summer 2025
The Santa Cruz City Council voted unanimously to approve $400,000 in funding necessary for the reopening of the Harvey West Pool by Memorial Day 2025.
Criminalizing Homelessness Topic of Capitola Meeting
A Housing Matters hosted meeting held on August 27 at the Capitola Branch Library covered how the nonprofit sees the effects of criminalization of homelessness.
Santa Cruz City Manager on Homeless Response
A letter from Santa Cruz City Manager on the city's approach to homelessness and homeless encampments.
Digital NEST Celebrates 10th Year
A look at Digital NEST as it celebrates a decade of service to Central California youth.
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