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FDA moves to eliminate carcinogenic Red 3 from foods
Red 3 has been prohibited for use in cosmetics and topical drugs since 1990
100+ Women Who Care
Listed under: Community Service & Support
This Commission assists the county in the management of solid and hazardous waste and the development of a comprehensive long-range plan. Two members are supervisors appointed by the Chair of the Board of Supervisors; three are appointed to represent the county’s three incorporated towns; one is a representative of local business; one is a citizen knowledgeable of hazardous waste disposal practices, and two are citizens at large who are recommended by the commission and appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Supervisors serve one year terms; all members appointed by the Board of Supervisors will serve two-year terms, and the city/town members will serve until replaced.
Held twice a year in the Empire Room at 950 Maidu Ave, on the second Thursday in April and October at 1:30 p.m.
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