Image of Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency seal. 

Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency Overview

Overview     News Articles & Digest    

Address:   2 Civic Center Dr, Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Official Links:   WEBSITE   FACEBOOK

Santa Margarita Groundwater Basin sits exclusively within the boundaries of Santa Cruz County, which means it serves a very diverse population and usages. This organiation has worked hard to define its role within these communities, and to practice proper land and water management for local resources. These includes a complex pair of aquifers that pass groundwater on to residents and local ecosystems. Santa Margarita Groundwater Basin also has what are known as “biodiversity hotspots” that support many species defined as endangered by state and federal agenices.

The basin is also responsible for connecting groundwater and surface water for several creeks and rivers, and is actively participating in climatology research to better the future environment.

Where exactly is the Basin located? It includes the following areas:

  • Scotts Valley
  • Felton
  • Mount Hermon
  • Lompico 
  • Zayante
  • Portions of Ben Lomond, Brookdale and Boulder Creek

Santa Margarita Groundwater Basin is also continually identifying private well owners and working to engage them with a community-wide Groundwater Sustainibility Plan.