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Saturday 2/1: Marina: Keep Eyes on Sudan Community Solidarity Event
Marina Library, Community Room, 190 Seaside Circle Marina, CA 93933
Santa Cruz County Youth Symphony
Listed under: Art, Culture & Media Families & Children
20 Aldridge Ln, Corralitos, CA 95076
Features include a playground, small horse arena, basketball court, tennis court, lawn, picnic area, horseshoe pit, restrooms.
Organized or instructor-led use requires a permit. Please use equestrian facility safely. All riders are required to wear hardhats or protective headgear. No dogs or glass in equestrian facility. Horses must remain in designated area of park. Unload horses at designated area of park only. Horses must be attended at all times. Only 3 horses in arena at one time. Tie horses in hitching posts only. Tie posts and horse trailer unloading area is in front of Grange Hall, across the street. Livestock is not permitted including pony rides or petting zoos.
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