Santa Cruz Murals

Santa Cruz County is home amazing murals. One amazing person is working to document them all in one place.

PUBLISHED APR 7, 2024 6:06 P.M.
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An online gallery of the murals of Santa Cruz County.

An online gallery of the murals of Santa Cruz County.

Santa Cruz County is home to many visual artists and a vibrant art scene. And the county itself is becoming a work of art thanks to the numerous murals gracing the walls of local buildings.

This week's One Good Thing celebrates the website maintained by county resident Greg Rose, who has, as of this writing, uploaded gorgeous photographs of 148 local masterpieces. He presents the information on a map, in a master list, and in a gallery that scrolls on and on, revealing one batch of colorful artworks after another. 

In addition to providing a feast for the eyes on his website and on social media, Greg also serves up a feast for the ears as DJ of quirky local radio station KZBC, broadcasting from Boulder Creek. This One Good Thing is a reminder in these times of climate change and other threats that people of good heart, working together, can make things better. 

We've started a discussion topic to let you contribute your One Good Thing here.

One Good Thing

In which we share one good thing about a community, county, or the state of California.

Do you have a good thing to share about your community?

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