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Friday Fish Fry - Trump to rename Sacramento, San Diego, New Mexico and Baja
Misunderstanding allows Lake Berryessa to remain Lake Berryessa
Golden Empire Council
Listed under: Education Families & Children Parks & Recreation
The City of Davis is home to approximately 67,000 residents and the University of California, Davis, with a student enrollment population of between 35,000 to 40,000 per year. The active university presence offers a tight-knit, energized, and well-informed city environment that results in a high quality of life for residents and vibrant community opportunities. Davis is known to be very environmentally conscious and is known as one of the most bike-friendly cities, with over 50 miles of bike paths. The city prioritizes conservation, tree preservation, and maintaining its park and recreational facilities which include 69 playground areas, 25 athletic fields, and 399 acres of active parkland.
Local residents interested in engaging with city government can find agendas for meetings of the Davis City Council. Visit this link to find out about serving on one of the city’s advisory commissions and committees.
The Davis City Council holds regular meetings beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, most commonly on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. The council meets in the Community Chambers at City Hall. Agendas and materials for regular meetings are posted at least 72 hours in advance (24 hours before special meetings). Submit written public comments in advance to CityCouncilMembers@cityofdavis.org.Photo credit: ZikG/Shutterstock
The Davis Planning Commission, which consists of seven appointees plus one alternate, is an advisory body responsible for determining the consistency of any project with the city’s general plan. Meetings, which are open to the public, take place the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in the Community Chambers at City Hall. (Photo by ZikG/Shutterstock.com)
Hate-Free Together Launches New Website03/11/2024
Hate-Free Together Launches New Website
NEW "What Do You Do" Episode: Interview with Volunteer Coordinator Kellie Vitaich03/11/2024
NEW "What Do You Do" Episode: Interview with Volunteer Coordinator Kellie Vitaich
Toad Hollow Dog Park - OPEN03/05/2024
Toad Hollow Dog Park - OPEN
From The Dirt...
Four members of the City of Davis Fire Department have left for Southern California, to assist in the wildfires.
From The California Aggie...
The City of Davis strengthens its ban on homeless encampments in 2025.
The City of Davis and the Human Relations Commission invite the public to attend the 31st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration on Monday, Jan. 20, at the Veterans Memorial Theatre, located at 203 East 14th Street in Davis.
From Davis Vanguard...
City of Davis
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