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Born and raised in Winters, Bill Biasi has been involved with agriculture throughout his life, starting with his family’s ranch and later as an agricultural researcher at UC Davis. Biasi was elected to his first four-year term on the Winters City Council in June 2016; prior to that, he was active in the community and participated on the Winters Putah Creek Park Committee (since November 2006) and the Winters Planning Commission (2011-2016).
Alma maters: Yuba College (associate’s degree), California State University, Chico (bachelor’s degree in agriculture)
Other positions held: Winters Planning Commission, Economic Development Advisory Committee, Disability Issues Administrative Advisory Committee at UC Davis.
Committee assignments as a councilmember: Design Review Committee, Downtown Business Association, Planning Commission, Senior Commission on Aging, Affordable Housing Steering Committee, Animal Services Joint Powers Agency, Local Agency Formation Commission, Rural Access Network, City Selection Committee
Notable quote: “What I really like to do is to do everything we can to promote our economic development and bring new businesses into town and create jobs here in Winters so people don’t have to drive out of town so much to work. There are a lot of people who live here and work out of town. Things changed with COVID obviously, a lot more people are working from home now. One of the other things that we’re trying to focus more on is trying to make sure we have good broadband services throughout the community. We have parts of the community that have good service and other parts that we still need to improve.” (Source: Daily Democrat interview with Bill Biasi, May 10, 2023)
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