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Friday Fish Fry - Trump to rename Sacramento, San Diego, New Mexico and Baja
Misunderstanding allows Lake Berryessa to remain Lake Berryessa
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Listed under: Education Families & Children
After graduating from college, Richard Casavecchia served as an armor officer at the California Army National Guard for 10 years. He moved to Winters in 2016 after marrying his wife, who has been a teacher in Winters for more than 15 years. They have a daughter, a golden retriever, and three cats.
For his day job, Casavecchia works as a business intelligence expert for Sacramento County Medi‐Cal and Medicare Doctor network.
First elected: November 2022
Alma maters: Oak Ridge High School; CSU Sacramento (bachelor’s degree in criminal justice); University of California, Davis (MBA)
Other positions held: Observer controller/trainer to the Ukraine Army (2011) as part of a NATO mission; advisor to the Guam National Guard after Typhoon Mangkut
Board and committee assignments: Planning Commission; Winters Chamber of Commerce; Winters Fire Protection District Board; Valley Clean Energy; Yolo FireSafe Council; Solano EDC; Yolo Habitat Conservancy. Alternate: League of CA Cities Business Meeting Representative; Yolo Solano Air Quality District.
Notable quote: “People on the council, their perspective are necessary, it’s part of the city. But having multiple different perspectives is always a good thing.” (Source: Winters Express)
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