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Councilmember Scianna has been a resident of the city of Winters since 1980. She was the environmental services manager in the city of Winters Public Works Department for 16 years, where she acquired significant knowledge and experience about the efforts required for the city to flourish, including infrastructure and budgeting.
In her time at the city’s Public Works Department, Scianna contributed to several of the city’s projects, including the Grant Ave Roundabout, Railroad Ave. New Car Bridge, Putah Creek Nature Park Trail and Channel Improvement and Restoration, the installation of several flashing beacons at pedestrian crossings, the construction of Well 7, and several sewer system installments.
Scianna is deeply involved in community service. She is a volunteer at Meals on Wheels, helps plan the Winters Salmon Festival, and was integral to the writeup of the Climate Action Plan. She was named Citizen of the Year in 2003 and was selected by Congressman John Garamendi as Woman of the Year in 2020.
First elected: November 2022
Alma mater: University of California, Davis (bachelor’s degree in sociology)
Other positions held: Co-president of the Winters Friends of the Library
Board and committee assignments: Climate Action Commission; Climate Action Commission Selection Committee Ad Hoc; Natural Resources Commission; Lower Putah Creek Committee; Yolo Solano Air Quality District. As an alternate: Yolo Subbasin Ground Water Authority Yolo County Commission to Address Homelessness; City / County 2x2
Notable quote: Planting trees around Winters can “help deal with heat, helps beautify the town, raises property values, [and] makes the town more walkable.” (Source: Winters Express)
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