Picture of Matt Mahan

Mayor Matt Mahan




Matt Mahan joined the San Jose City Council in 2020, representing District 10, which includes the Almaden Valley, Blossom Valley, and Vista Park neighborhoods. In 2022, he successfully ran for mayor, defeating Santa Clara County Supervisor Cindy Chavez in a close race. Mahan ran on a campaign that promised more police oversight, community safety and government transparency. He previously served as founder and CEO of Brigade Media, a civic technology platform that allows users to initiate debates and organize petitions.

First elected: November 2022

Twitter bio: Mayor of San Jose. Previously: Councilmember, San Jose District 10, Brigade CEO & Co-founder, SVLG & JVSV Boards, SJ Clean Energy, #WeAreSanJose

Alma mater: Harvard University (2001-2005)

Other offices served: San Jose City Council (2020-2022)

Notable quote: “One of the things I ran on was the idea of greater focus, setting public goals, posting them on the city website, measuring our performance and tying our pay raises to progress.” (Source: KTVU)

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