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Essential Tips for Your Big Day
What’s in, and what’s not, for weddings in 2025. You’re engaged, and now it’s time to plan the most enchanting day of your life. Where to even begin? To help [...]
Ag in the Classroom
Listed under: Education Agriculture, Food & Gardening
From Mountain Democrat...
McClintock's Office Hours Announced
Read on to learn about upcoming office hours with Congressman Ton McClintock's staff.
From Village Life...
El Dorado Hills is Topic of Community Conversation
The public is invited to a community conversation about the future of El Dorado Hills to be held on September 24.
SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. – The El Dorado Local Agency Formation Commission will be considering the appointment of an Alternate Public Member to LAFCO who will serve a new four-year term, which would run from May 2024 through May 2028.
In more than 30 states, it’s harder than ever to vote this year. But in California, it’s never been easier.
California voters narrowly passed Proposition 1, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s measure to fund mental health housing. He’s prodding counties to use the money quickly.
How the California mental health crisis emerged out of the state’s history of deinstitutionalization and laws designed to protect the mentally ill, as well as the communities around them.
The California housing crisis is not only weakening the state politically at the national level, it could shift the political balance in Washington, D.C., as Republican-led states add population while California’s exodus continues.
A bill from a member of the Legislature’s happiness committee would require schools to come up with homework policies that consider the mental and physical strain on students.
Heat pumps, an energy-efficient way to both heat and cool homes, are a necessary element of California's climate goal of net zero carbon emissions. Here's what they are, how they work, and how to get one.
As the numbers of people experiencing homelessness in the Sacramento area grew, the once-nimble SSHH expanded its services. Problems quickly followed.
The Williamson Act, passed in 1965, now keeps more than 16 million acres of farmland out of the hands of developers. Here's how the law puts the brakes on the development of California agricultural properties.
A once-groundbreaking nonprofit working with chronically homeless people in California’s capital closed and filed for bankruptcy in 2023.
The California Environmental Quality Act, CEQA, is both the state’s signature environmental legislation, and is also often named as the villain in the state’s housing shortage. But the story may not be that simple.
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