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A Personal Saga
As I wrote briefly before, and as many of you now know, Rock Knocker has Alzheimer’s and I have been taking care of him. That can take many forms, of course, and a bit over a week ago, it took yet...
Special Kids Connect
Listed under: Education Families & Children
Stephen L. Vagnini is a public servant with decades under his belt. He is also a music aficionado who has helped bring some 1,800 guitars to the Monterey area for underpriviledged children. Previously Vagnini worked as a concert and band promoter for more than four decades.
First elected: 2001
Alma mater: University of Virginia (bachelor’s degree, political science; master’s degree, religious studies)
Other offices held: Chair of Monterey County Juvenile Justice Commission
Notable quote: “Those guys (Guitars Not Guns) are the real champions. I have passion, so I push people. I’m more a facilitator. I have great organizational skills.” (Source: Monterey County Weekly)
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